British Comedy Guide
Only Fools And Horses. Image shows from L to R: Rodney (Nicholas Lyndhurst), Del (David Jason), Grandad (Lennard Pearce). Copyright: BBC
Only Fools And Horses

Only Fools And Horses

  • TV sitcom
  • BBC One
  • 1981 - 2003
  • 64 episodes (7 series)

Sitcom about two market traders, Del Boy and his brother Rodney. Stars David Jason, Nicholas Lyndhurst, Buster Merryfield, Lennard Pearce, Roger Lloyd Pack and more.


Episode menu

Series 6, Episode 6 - Little Problems

Rodney's wedding is approaching and Del has promised him money for the deposit on his new flat. However, he's also unknowingly promised the same money to the Driscoll brothers, two local thugs who he inadvertently did business with. Will it be Rodney's hopes or Del's body to take a beating?

Further details

Rodney's down in the dumps. Despite getting engaged, he thinks he's failed his Diploma in Computer Science, which could cost him a good job at Cassandra's father's company.
On top of that, he can't come up with his share of the dosh for the new flat he and Cassandra plan to buy. His only relief is when the diploma arrives 'late'.

Del comes to the rescue, promising to call in all his favours to raise the money Rodney needs, as his wedding present.

However, the Driscoll brothers are calling in their debts, and those who can't pay get bruised; unfortunately for Del, via Mickey Pearce and Jevon, the mobile phones he's currently failing to flog were supplied by brothers, and they want the cash yesterday.

Managing to buy precious time, Del cons Boycie into paying for some dodgy video recorders, but he still only has enough for the Driscolls or Roddney. Meanwhile, Uncle Albert has Del sussed, and asks him how much the diploma cost.

Not all goes to plan in the end, and Del fulfils the duties as a battered and bruised Best Man. After some words of Trotter wisdom, Rodders and Cassie journey to Rimini for their honeymoon.

Broadcast details

Sunday 12th February 1989
50 minutes

Upcoming repeats

  1. Sunday 28th July 2024 at 1:50pm on Gold
  2. Sunday 28th July 2024 at 9:20pm on Gold

Cast & crew

David Jason Del
Nicholas Lyndhurst Rodney
Buster Merryfield Uncle Albert
Roger Lloyd Pack Trigger
Patrick Murray Mickey Pearce
Paul Barber Denzil
John Challis Boycie
Sue Holderness Marlene
Gwyneth Strong Cassandra
Kenneth MacDonald Mike
Guest cast
Steven Woodcock Jevon
Roy Marsden Danny Driscoll
Wanda Ventham Pamela Parry
Christopher Ryan Tony Driscoll
Denis Lill Alan Parry
Derek Benfield Registrar
Jeff Stevenson Comedian
Writing team
John Sullivan Writer
Production team
Tony Dow Director
Gareth Gwenlan Producer
Chris Wadsworth Editor
Graham Lough Production Designer
John Sullivan Composer

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