Make an unfounded claim about the poster above you Page 27

Tuumble has yellow bollox with smiley faces drawn on them. Infact his avatar is a pic of the left one.

When Charley was on Come Dine with me her starter was an arm wrestle.

When children are told that Santa is not real, Steve Sunshine's internet counseling service are automatically informed by Social Services. He fills an emotional void whilst getting unashamedly rich.

Will Cam has a mole on the end of his left nipple.

roscoff shits in the woods.

Nil Putters is still the only person to have gone to Lourdes and come back with Anthrax.

Roscoff was the subject in the pilot episode of 'Who do you think you are?'

The Austin Powers character was based on Tuumble.

Leevil did a wee on the bus today.

Nat sat in my seat and wiggled after I got off at my stop.

Leevil did 9/11.

Kevin double-dared me.

Leevil was embarassed to out find that while it was perfectly normal to collect stamps, it was not so socially acceptable to lick tramps.

Nat secretly farts, then moves away, whenever she is around her boyfriends family.

Charley doesn't know any dirty words apart from 'flippin eck'.