Newsjack - Series 6 Page 7

Any one else willing to reveal their topics. I think I've given myself a lot of competition by picking big ones...

I managed to send three (didn't manage to write 6 as planned, well done swerytd).

NHS Reform
Greek bailout
Football club bankruptcies.

Quote: Snafu @ February 20 2012, 12:25 PM GMT

Ooooh I have listened to Newsjack since the beginning but never really thought about writing anything to send in. I think I am familiar with the tone of the show, but I have a question about the technical side of sending stuff in.

I only have OpenOffice Writer, which is the freeware version of MSWord. I know there is sometimes a problem opening Writer documents in MSWord, and I'd hate for my submission to be ignored because the formatting had gone all squiffy. Does anyone know how I should save my work in Writer to make sure it definitely opens properly in Word?

I use Google Docs, which is free online. Plus you have an accessible copy of it wherever you can access the web. When you've got your sketch spot-on, there is an option to download as a .doc file, which has so far worked successfully 100% of the time for me.


Thanks Dan, I had never heard about this before! I'll give it a look over immediately.

So what should I use as my reasons for not being selected, now that "incompatible format" is not available...? :D

No sketches this week from me :( they just didn't form all that well.

Got some one-liners and JackApps though, will write a few more tonight and get them sent!

Quote: swerytd @ February 20 2012, 12:31 PM GMT

I use Google Docs, which is free online. Plus you have an accessible copy of it wherever you can access the web. When you've got your sketch spot-on, there is an option to download as a .doc file, which has so far worked successfully 100% of the time for me.


Google docs is great!

But Open Office writer can save as .doc format. There is always a chance the formatting will be messed up but download MS Word Viewer or even open in Google Docs to make sure nothing terrible has happened.

PS was I the only person who avoided using .docx (Word 2007 format) just in case?

Quote: David Salisbury @ February 20 2012, 12:39 PM GMT

PS was I the only person who avoided using .docx (Word 2007 format) just in case?

No, I'm pretty sure the BBC themselves have said in the past to avoid using .docx, cos I don't think they have the correct version of Office. Best avoid .docx if possible.


Quote: swerytd @ February 20 2012, 12:43 PM GMT

No, I'm pretty sure the BBC themselves have said in the past to avoid using .docx, cos I don't think they have the correct version of Office. Best avoid .docx if possible.


Thanks Dan.

My paranoia works in my favour for once!

Now I've passed the 12 o'clock embargo I pose upon myself, my three topics were;

The possibility of Scotland gaining independence
Uggie the dog being banned from the Oscars
The man who lived in his car for two months, due to the snow

I appreciate the last one may be harsh but hey ho. That's show business. Not very strong entries to be honest so holding out more for the one liners.

Good luck everyone!

Can't believe you didn't say 'snow business'...


Can't you download a demo version of Microsoft Word? I thought the only difference was the inability to save, so you could check the compatibility yourself.

Either that or you surely must have a friend with MS Word you could send the document to so you could check it works?

Open Office struggles with tables, but otherwise I have not noticed any problems saving files as Word docs.

Quote: swerytd @ February 20 2012, 1:04 PM GMT

Can't believe you didn't say 'snow business'...


Icy what you did there.

OK so my three sketches were:
Sun on Sunday (James Murdock's phone hack)
a Devo-Max/Pepsi-Max advert Parody
and a David Haye the Great Escape parody.

Does anyone know when we should get responses (if we get on) by? The suspense is killing me!

Quote: DeathbyMonkey @ February 20 2012, 2:49 PM GMT

OK so my three sketches were:
Sun on Sunday (James Murdock's phone hack)
a Devo-Max/Pepsi-Max advert Parody
and a David Haye the Great Escape parody.

Does anyone know when we should get responses (if we get on) by? The suspense is killing me!

It's usually Thursday afternoon, around 5ish, unless anyone is going to the recording tomorrow with a pad and pen?

You usually find out on Thursday early evening when the edit is done.