QI - Series J Page 10

Happy to hear that these camel whipping robots come from Switzerland. What a great invention, don't you think so Zooo? ;)

John Sessions sure is a bore.

Quote: Gordon Bennett @ November 3 2012, 11:19 AM GMT

Happy to hear that these camel whipping robots come from Switzerland. What a great invention, don't you think so Zooo? ;)

I don't geddit!

Quote: Dimmidice @ November 4 2012, 7:13 PM GMT

John Sessions sure is a bore.

I don't know, I find the witless showing off of, say, Alan Davies, rather more tedious.

Quote: zooo @ November 4 2012, 7:23 PM GMT

I don't geddit!

Only tried to tease you...because I know how fond you are of animals. And a robot jockey that whips camels is not a nice invention....ah, forget about it!


Ahh, lol.
That was quite a sad story. :( I was not impressed!

Yeah I thought that.
It was possible or probable that the shuffle was unique, not definite.

My interest in this programme has peaked to the point where I no longer watch it. It's lost its zest and turned into faux panel game of the ten a penny variety. Shame because it used to be great, can't pinpoint the general malaise, is it Fry and the guests who just seem to be coasting? Oh well, there's still Would I Lie To You?.

Quote: Gordon Bennett @ October 28 2012, 9:26 AM GMT

You mean Ross Noble.

Oh balls! Yes, I did mean Ross Noble... I always get those two mixed up, and I really don't know why - I know perfectly well who each of them are. I think it's the similar hair.

QI still the best!

Ross Noble was the saving grace of the show for me this week. Perkins was average as always, but Julia Zemiro made what would have to be in my opinion one of the least funny QI appearances. She actually hosts a panel show in Australia, so it was a bit strange seeing her having little to nothing to add to the show.

Quote: Stephen @ November 11 2012, 7:12 AM GMT

Ross Noble was the saving grace of the show for me this week. Perkins was average as always, but Julia Zemiro made what would have to be in my opinion one of the least funny QI appearances. She actually hosts a panel show in Australia, so it was a bit strange seeing her having little to nothing to add to the show.

I thought she didn't have much to add too. She is on again later in the series so maybe she might do better the second time around.

>>... the research skills of undergraduates whose reach extends no further than Wikipedia.

I met a researcher one, a very bright lady in her 50s.
But they certainly do get things wrong, yes.

QI admit they have got things wrong several times (the Welsh do have a word for "Blue" for example). In fact they say they enjoy being wrong as much as they enjoy being right because they learn from it. The QI website has a "Qibble Blog" which they list complaints and corrections, and their most recent one was about the playing cards. This whole playing card thing has sparked lots of debate on the QI forums too.

Also, if you listen to the commentaries on the QI DVDs, they tend to have a correction for almost every episode in Series B and C.

I concur! :-)