Newsjack - Series 2 Page 31

2 Sketches a handful of VOXPOPS and a load of Newsbullet one liners sent, fingers crossed.

F**k me, I'm bored of reading newspapers...


Quote: swerytd @ January 25 2010, 11:04 AM GMT

F**k me, I'm bored of reading newspapers...


Depressing is what it is... crazy world.

Quote: CKY88 @ January 25 2010, 10:59 AM GMT

2 Sketches a handful of VOXPOPS and a load of Newsbullet one liners sent, fingers crossed.

You see to be finding this awfully hard work.

I'm beginning to think you might not really be Graham Linehan after all.

Week four fo my writing experiment. No joy as yet, but gotta keep plugging away. Managed to send in two sketchs. Did three but I just couldn't get the last to work. Ill send my voxpops bits etc tommorrow.

Just two sketches for me - hopefully better ones. I'm waiting for the wonderful gift of hindsight that usually occurs at 5.05pm on Tuesdays.

Quote: Kevin Murphy @ January 25 2010, 11:24 AM GMT

You see to be finding this awfully hard work.

I'm beginning to think you might not really be Graham Linehan after all.

Damn you caught me out... Is it my lack of success that gave me away? :'(

Discovered yesterday that I had a credit from last week's show after all (Newsbullet - speed camera section). The benefit of finding out after the fact is that it's brought a feeling of serenity into this week's waiting game...although dare say that will change by tomorrow.

3 Voxpops and a correction sent in. A veritable 'tsunami' compared to my progress to date.

It's been fascinating watching myself turn into a cynical hack so early in the game. They could announce tonight on Channel 4 News that China had declared nuclear war on India and I'd be sitting there trying to merge 'three-minute warning' and 'three minutes later you're hungry again' into a killer gag.

It's all good fun. And once again, good luck to all (even those who don't seem to need it).

After two light weeks, I've chucked a couple of sketches an a bazillion one-liners this week. Fingers crossed.

I didn't even bother this week. Flagging already is probably not a good sign! Good luck to all again.

Hindsight has kicked in on yesterday's sketch submissions, but never mind, sent off a bunch of voxpops today.

Bonne chance tout le monde!

Quote: The Producer @ January 26 2010, 12:30 PM GMT

Discovered yesterday that I had a credit from last week's show after all (Newsbullet - speed camera section). The benefit of finding out after the fact is that it's brought a feeling of serenity into this week's waiting game...although dare say that will change by tomorrow.

Well done Producer- the first well done of the week. How did you find out?

Two more weeks and then it's back to the Nigerian lottery.

Good luck all – unless you're nonchalant or unreasonably talented, of course.

Quote: will Cam @ January 26 2010, 5:38 PM GMT

Well done Producer- the first well done of the week. How did you find out?

I listened to the show on iPlayer! Although they have controls in place to make sure they would have spotted my missing credit soon regardless. They sorted things out v.quickly indeed and I was up on the credits list within hours of me getting in touch.