Newsjack - Series 2 Page 27

Why are weathergirls always pregnant?

And they haven't done anything else since 'It's Raining Men', have they?

hennel, hope it's yours! It started with church organ music and a vicar doing the wedding ceremony with lots of financial tweaking so nice one. Went down well so be very surprised if it didn't make the cut.

swertyd - list by no means exhaustive!

Quote: Mikey Jackson @ January 21 2010, 5:13 PM GMT

Why are weathergirls always pregnant?

Because they're all whores.

Quote: Mikey Jackson @ January 21 2010, 5:13 PM GMT

Why are weathergirls always pregnant?

Where did I hear that recently?
Was it on a Radio show podcast... Frank Skinner? Jonathon Ross?

Quote: Griff @ January 21 2010, 5:35 PM GMT

Yeah I got it. I just wondered if characters who are mostly famous for something that happened nearly 25 years ago are ideal for topical comedy shows.

But everytime anything to do with the met office getting stuff wrong is deemed news worthy, they STILL trot out the same clip of Michael Fish from 1987, or an interview with him now, talking about 1987. He is still the go to guy for meteorological cock-ups, because it was such a famous mistake.

So, the event took place nearly twenty five years ago, but it's still talked about all the time.

We can only hope he gets beaten to death.

Hence "Battered fish has his chips."

Quote: Mikey Jackson @ January 21 2010, 5:09 PM GMT

Whenever there's a documentary about the 1987 hurricane that he failed to predict. :)

I put Michael Fish in the sketch because he's renowned for getting the weather wrong. As in the 1987 hurricane.

Miles ponders "Should we be concerned about the flood warnings?"
Then he says "I decided to ask somebody who we know and trust with the weather. Michael Fish."

Then Fish saying "Nothing to worry about" whilst at the same time building an ark (as in Noah's Ark) means the flood warnings ARE something to worry about.

I've no problem with using Michael Fish in a sketch like this - there's a high recognition factor, and you could even make a joke of it (that so many weather forecasters today are unmemorable, the great Dan Corbett excepted). What confuses me about the sketch is that if Fish is renowned for getting the weather wrong, and he's building an ark, doesn't that mean the flood warnings AREN'T something to worry about? Or have I missed something?

PS I can't easily get online in the day so I wasn't being deliberately rude ignoring requests for info on what sketches and gags they used last night - Aldrin has done the job fine anyway. Good luck everyone!

Quote: sootyj @ January 21 2010, 6:02 PM GMT

We can only hope he gets beaten to death.

Hence "Battered fish has his chips."

If that happens tomorrow we have a prime suspect.

Nothing in for me, but I do feel that, compared to last week, there was a step change in the quality of my submissions, from dire to pitiful. I have high hopes that, if I continue to raise my game episode on episode, I may succeed, before the end of the run, in submitting something barely adequate. It's all to play for!

if Fish is renowned for getting the weather wrong, and he's building an ark, doesn't that mean the flood warnings AREN'T something to worry about? Or have I missed something?

Hmm, yes, fair point. Now my brain is hurting with too much post-sketch analysis. :S

Finding this MUCH funnier than last year. Is there a new team behind Newsjack this year? Or are the quality of submissions just better? Or was I just being a joyless bastard last year?

Sorry if there have been changes to the programme already addressed in this mammoth thread. It's size intimidates me.

Nice one, Griff. Just got the good news here as well.

Quote: sglen @ January 21 2010, 7:30 PM GMT

Finding this MUCH funnier than last year. Is there a new team behind Newsjack this year? Or are the quality of submissions just better? Or was I just being a joyless bastard last year?

Sorry if there have been changes to the programme already addressed in this mammoth thread. It's size intimidates me.

I agree it's been funnier this year. It's the same team - maybe it's just found its feet a bit more.

PS I'm in tonight too. :)

Complete list is up:

Dan and Hennell are in. Also lots of people called Paul. Well done to the winners and commiserations elsewhere.

Well done everybody who got on! I'm going to give it a bash this week.

Wahay! I got the you're through the edit email but have no idea what got through. I sent three sketches, five vox-pops and some Newsbullet intro-y things, so could be any of them. (Well, hopefully it's one of them as I didn't write anything else!)

Congrats to everyone who's in!

EDIT: Damn that Chris Cox in the writers' list -- that's the second time I've not quite been able to say 'I had that Carrie Quinlan on top of me'...
