Curb Your Enthusiasm Page 8

I enjoyed the first episode, but it doesn't blow me away like it used to. Then again, after fifty episodes I guess it's hard to keep things fresh and new. That said, it's still a million times better than derivative knock offs like Never Better.

I thought the new episode was excellent - especially his solution for getting out of parties which you knew was going to backfire on him eventually. But as chipolata said, after five series and fifty episodes it's difficult to keep it fresh. Imagine Extras/Little Britain/the Office after five series. The novelty would have long worn off.

I imagine Jack Dee tuned in on Monday night, looking for more ideas to "borrow".Whistling nnocently

The only bit that annoys me about Episode 1 of Season 6, is at the end where Ted Danson shows up with a bottle of wine at Larry's house for Larry's party and uses the "I thought the party was today" excuse, the reason it annoys me is because it's clearly the morning/daytime, so why would Ted turn up for the party at that time?!

It doesn't get dark till 8 or 9 in the summer, innit.

Quote: zooo @ January 25, 2008, 6:16 PM

It doesn't get dark till 8 or 9 in the summer, innit.

No but the fire was only just been put out it seems, or had they stayed in the house all night and all day while the place was on fire? :D

Anyway, I LOVE Curb. :)

I forgot about that, but yeah that was all wrong too.

Even though they are comedy perfectionists, judging by the acting and some of the directing they don't seem to be production specialists.

Curb to me, has always felt like a raw version, as in "we have some great jokes and we're not going to patronise you with fancy productions, just sit down and enjoy the damn thing".


Tonight's was more like it! A top episode. Laughed lots.

After watching last night's episode of Curb Your Enthusiasm, which was centred around a semen stain, I found it amusing when I noticed two semen stains on my bed (one on the sheets, and the other on the blanket).

Naturally, I am the culprit.

What a lovely story.

Is your surname Rance, by any chance?


I was on Andrew Collins' blog and apparently the viewing figure for the first episode was 157 000.

Quote: Pilot @ January 23, 2008, 4:46 AM

If you haven't seen all of season six yet, I'll just say watch out for Leon.

I was really impressed by that character - very well played. A much better episode, packed with different stories: Leon, stain, dry cleaners, stealing shirt, Ted and Cheryl, ward naming.

I'm enjoying the show, but I am starting to get slightly tired of the way everything has to tie up at the end. It seems increasingly lazy and contrived.