Sitcom Mission


By: Rob Bond

Sitcom Mission 2014 finalist

Joint winner of The Sitcom Mission 2014

Jon has come up with his latest way of avoiding getting a proper job. As always this involves roping James in who is already juggling his pregnant girlfriend Sarah and overbearing mother-in-law Pat.


Cast Character
Dave Seymour ... Jon
Paul Sockett ... James
Rachel Hine ... Sarah
Johanne Murdock ... Pat
Declan Hill ... Host
Miranda Hennessey ... Helen
Rowena Lennon ... Gina
Miranda Hennessey ... Lucie

Rob Bond

Rob Bond is an electrician from Romford in Essex. Adapting is the first thing he has written, after taking Declan and Simon's sitcom-writing evening class, partly because it is something he had always wanted to try and also because after wearing a plastic hat and yellow vest for ten years, he wanted to learn something new.