Ashes To Ashes Page 15

Hopefully it won't all have been some f**king dream.

Quote: john lucas 101 @ May 21 2010, 10:19 AM BST

Hopefully it won't all have been some f**king dream.

I've read a couple of spoiler free reviews that say it's very, very good; but less complex than some people are thinking. I hope it ends like Crossroads, so they all wake up and they're all working in a supermarket. :D

Quote: john lucas 101 @ May 21 2010, 10:19 AM BST

some f**king dream.

A sex dream?

No. That's for dirty people.

Quote: john lucas 101 @ May 21 2010, 10:25 AM BST

No. That's for dirty people.


Oh, here he is. Brilliant. Now it'll all kick off.

Quote: john lucas 101 @ May 21 2010, 10:26 AM BST

Oh, here he is. Brilliant. Now it'll all kick off.

That's great, now I'm under pressure to kick off!

I reckon it's an artificial universe they created using Sam's original coma experiences as a template. Or possibly space pollen.

I imagine it will be along the line of everyone, or most people, in that world being in some sort of coma. Or something. maybe. But they've been in there so long they've forgotten. Someone mentioned that 'this place makes you forget', so the longer you're there, the less you remember, which would explain why Alex never mentions her blooming daughter anymore! Seeing stars, and all that business, is the rest of them slowly remembering and realising that the world they're in isn't the real world.

Quote: chipolata @ May 21 2010, 10:31 AM BST

That's great, now I'm under pressure to kick off!

I reckon it's an artificial universe they created using Sam's original coma experiences as a template. Or possibly space pollen.

Yeah. Wibbly wobbly billoxy bolloxy timey wimey space..erm...shit.

Just as long as they don't wake up and they've been in deep sleep modules aboard a space ship orbitting Mars; like in the American version.

Maybe she pulls Hunts face off and he's monkey and then he's her.
Then a big rocket takes off and they escape the 1980s in a big cage with a hippy and a midget.

I wonder if they'll pave the way for a third spin-off series. Not necessaril with Hunt, but perhaps using the explanation to bounce off in another direction? After all, it's been massively popular and TV hates to kill the Golden Goose.

Quote: chipolata @ May 21 2010, 10:46 AM BST

I wonder if they'll pave the way for a third spin-off series. Not necessaril with Hunt, but perhaps using the explanation to bounce off in another direction? After all, it's been massively popular and TV hates to kill the Golden Goose.

The bloke who created it said this was definitely the end; though they wouldn't say no to a movie version of the story.

Now if Bowie turned up, that'd be cool.

Quote: sootyj @ May 21 2010, 10:47 AM BST

Now if Bowie turned up, that'd be cool.

Or Harvey Keitel; and Gene gave him a good hiding.

Eeep!! *is excited*