The Thick Of It - Series 4 Page 7

This had a lot of laughs for me, but I agree with Aaron about the 'politically interesting' point. In fact, it felt like the first half-hour of a film, setting the scene for later on more than traditional TTOI.

That said, even though not as in-your-face-superb as episode 1, still better than 99% of telly generally.


And here Tucker is quashing speculation that Milliband is to make a quiet batpeople speech-

Laughing out loud

Brilliant episode. Definitely funniest this series.

I actually thought that it was substandard with very few laughs although it did improve towards the end. The Liberal Democrat characters are deeply uninteresting unfortunately.

This actually reminded me a little of the later episodes of Last of the Summer Wine (hear me out). Most of your favourite characters don't appear and it's not half as funny as it used to be.

I liked it although the laugh rate isn't as high as previous series. I really laughed at the twitter photo reveal though. I have a feeling the two separate camps will merge as the series progresses and we will see more inter-party interaction, hope so anyway: I thought perhaps the strongest episode of series 3 was the one where Peter Mannion and Nicola Murray engage in a radio debate on Richard bacon's show.

I laughed at that episode all the way through. Loads of funny lines.

The slide. My word, that was a classic comedy moment if ever I saw one.

I tend to agree with the normally foolish zooo. A very good episode, and hopefully the moment when season 4 found its own distinct voice. And as already mentioned, the slide bit was classic.

One minor quibble, the Tickel/Tickle character who comitted suicide is clearly a big story that will develop over the coming weeks, yet I didn't have a clue who he was despite the fact that he'd clearly been mentioned in the first two episodes.

That Tory geek character made me laugh the most this week. Still, nowhere near the utter gold of previous series.

Quote: chipolata @ September 23 2012, 11:23 AM BST

I tend to agree with the normally foolish zooo.

That would be one of BCF's editors?

Besides being a comedian is the same as being a fool?

The economist was rather tasty too.

Hilarious episode. Every single character brings something to the show and the writing is so sharp and funny.

Yes, just like the foolish zooo, I enjoyed this episode a great deal. Bizarrely, the only thing I found perplexing was all the funny running in the office, like the cast were having a competition to see who could most sprint like a knob end.
