British Comedy Guide
Damned. Image shows from L to R: Natalie Moore (Isy Suttie), Rose Denby (Jo Brand), Nitin (Himesh Patel), Al Kavanagh (Alan Davies), Denise Donnelly (Georgie Glen), Martin Bickerstaff (Kevin Eldon). Copyright: What Larks Productions


  • TV comedy drama
  • Channel 4 / Sky Arts
  • 2014 - 2018
  • 13 episodes (2 series)

Comedy set in a social services department. Jo Brand, Alan Davies and Kevin Eldon are amongst the stars. Also features Himesh Patel, Georgie Glen, Isy Suttie, Morwenna Banks, Lolly Adefope and more.


Episode menu

Series 2, Episode 1

Damned. Image shows from L to R: Tiara (Jaime Adler), Elena (Andreea Paduraru), Elena's Son (Andrei Vladut Cociorvan), Al Kavanagh (Alan Davies). Copyright: What Larks Productions
The threat of violence is never far away as the Elm Heath team once again face up to a series of problems that our increasingly complex society just expects them to sort out without any fuss or acknowledgement.

Preview clips

Further details

In a post-Brexit world, defined by a new government and legislation that no one can really fathom, Rose remains as irritable, chaotic and resentful as ever as she tries to juggle home, work, family and her far-too-present ex-husband. Meanwhile Al, apathetically trying to surf a mid-life crisis, considers pastures new to inject some much needed excitement, and a new challenge, into his life.

Martin is back full time and this time round he's in charge so things might be about to change - but ever so kindly and slowly cause he's a nice bloke. But will his new position of power bring out some unseemly dictatorial traits?

Crises pile up as crucial files appear to have taken a walk so Nat, now a permanent member of the team, turns detective to track them down while Denise lets her beady eye slide off the ball as her attention turns inward to her own family issues. Nitin remains his reliable and pompous self, a beacon of the officious in a sea of corner cutting, whilst Ingrid becomes the bridge between the personal and the professional as she takes on a huge challenge. Meanwhile, Denise brings in a know-it-all student Mimi.

And that's just the staff, as they say, before they've even begun to tackle the complex and brutal problems out there in the community. The threat of violence is never far away as the Elm Heath team once again face up to a series of problems that our increasingly complex society just expects them to sort out without any fuss or acknowledgement.

Broadcast details

Wednesday 14th February 2018
Channel 4
30 minutes

Cast & crew

Jo Brand Rose Denby
Alan Davies Al Kavanagh
Himesh Patel Nitin
Kevin Eldon Martin Bickerstaff
Georgie Glen Denise Donnelly
Isy Suttie Natalie Moore
Morwenna Banks Ingrid
Lolly Adefope Mimi
Paul Charlton PC Harris
Nick Hancock Lee Denby
Sara Powell Cass
Mandeep Dhillon Telephone Caller (Voice)
London Hughes Telephone Caller (Voice)
Ellie White Telephone Caller (Voice)
Ed Gaughan Telephone Caller (Voice)
Jacob Scipio Telephone Caller (Voice)
Guest cast
Carl Rice Darren
Andreea Paduraru Elena
Ben Willbond Marcus Bowles (Headmaster)
Jaime Adler Tiara
Andrei Vladut Cociorvan Elena's Son
Writing team
Morwenna Banks Writer
Jo Brand Writer
Will Smith Writer
Production team
Natalie Bailey Director
Claire Whalley Producer
Morwenna Banks Associate Producer
Alison B Matthews Line Producer
Ramit Anchal Post Production Producer
Devan Vimal Post Production Producer
Dan Robinson Editor
Jeff Sherriff Production Designer
Jo Buckingham Casting Director
Marcia Stanton Costume Designer
Jamie Hicks Director of Photography
Sophie Slotover Make-up Designer
Andy Lumsden 1st Assistant Director


New arrival

The team discuss a foster child.

Featuring: Jo Brand (Rose Denby), Alan Davies (Al Kavanagh), Himesh Patel (Nitin), Isy Suttie (Natalie Moore) & Morwenna Banks (Ingrid).

Work Experience

It's the first day for Mimi, the new student social worker.

Featuring: Jo Brand (Rose Denby), Alan Davies (Al Kavanagh), Himesh Patel (Nitin), Kevin Eldon (Martin Bickerstaff), Georgie Glen (Denise Donnelly), Isy Suttie (Natalie Moore) & Lolly Adefope (Mimi).


Jo Brand's Damned is back on our screens; a sitcom whose first series I watched but struggle to remember any memorable moments. Brand writes the show alongside co-star Morwenna Banks and The Thick of It's Will Smith whilst also starring as Rose; the hapless social worker who spends most of the episode dealing with a shoe soiled by her family's new puppy. This week's episode was based on a tip-off the team the received which saw Al (Alan Davies) investigate the case of a sex-worker who was seeing clients whilst her two children were in the house. Rose and Al believed her children were truanting although the investigation later revealed that Elena was working to put her kids through private school. This story was an involving one, especially the conclusion which saw Elena's children taken from her despite Al's belief that she was a good mother. However, it didn't fit in with an episode which also saw Rose dealing with dog faeces on her shoe and the newly-promoted Martin (Kevin Eldon) making vegan fudge for his colleagues which was predictably inedible. Unlike her previous caring-focused comedy Getting On, Brand struggles to incorporate the gags in Damned with the darker elements of the plot such as the investigation into Elena and her children. I think this is because the jokes are more obvious in Damned and it's almost as if Brand, Smith and Banks feel that they have to create lowest common denominator humour for the Channel 4 audience. This is a shame as Damned is a sitcom that I want to succeed as I like everyone involved and the subject matter is one that I'm interested in. Damned's best moment are the sequences where we hear the calls that the team at Elm Heath Children Services field on a daily basis. Meanwhile, the introduction of social work student Mimi (Lolly Adefope) provides another authentic subplot as Brand and company are able to demonstrate the disparity between her studies and the reality of children's services. The pursuit of Mimi by the office's oddball Nitin (Himesh Patel) also provides some humorous moments as he attempts to persuade boss Denise (Georgie Glen) then he should be Mimi's mentor, a plea that falls on deaf ears. Overall, the first episode of Damned's second series had its moments but I found that the obvious gags didn't gel with the darker nature of the central storyline. However, I'm going to keep watching as it's a comedy that never outstays its welcome and features likeable characters played by an ensemble cast of actors who I really like.

Matt, The Custard TV, 17th February 2018

TV review, Damned, C4

Are sexual abuse and sex trafficking suitable subjects for comedy? My gut instinct would say no but the first episode of the second series of social worker comedy Damned somehow managed to incorporate these subjects and make serious points along with succesful jokes. The writers - Jo Brand, Morwenna Banks and Will Smith - and the cast - deserve full credit for going where few programmes fear to tread. Imagine Ken Loach collaborating with Ricky Gervais.

Bruce Dessau, Beyond The Joke, 15th February 2018

Damned, Channel 4, review

Jo Brand and Alan Davies create tragi-comedy at its best.

Elisa Bray, i Newspaper, 15th February 2018

A second series for Jo Brand and Morwenna Banks's lauded social services comedy. The main plotline concerns a sex worker whose children have been reported to the authorities and there is also a topical strand about football sex abuse. As before, the grim subject matter is offset by some excellent gags.

Hannah J Davies, The Guardian, 14th February 2018

Damned: this gentle comedy is a rare gem

Damned is a rare achievement: noble in his depiction of human weakness, soaringly ambitious while trapped in humdrum surroundings, and deeply empathic in prising laughs from desperate circumstances.

Gabriel Tate, The Telegraph, 14th February 2018

TV preview, Damned

Human degradation was never so funny.

Sean O'Grady, The Independent, 9th February 2018

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