Schedule Friday 11th May 2018

Radio 4
30 min
Dave Podmore. Dave 'Pod' Podmore (Christopher Douglas)

Dave Podmore

Episode 1 - Dave Podmore: A Pod For Europe

It's Eurovision time and the UK means business, hiring England cricketer Dave Podmore as backstage coach. Can Pod defeat the cream of Europe, or at least those gatecrashing Aussies? The coveted kitsch-pop crown is there for the taking.

BBC Radio Scotland
30 min
Grant Stott. Copyright: BBC

Stop The Press

Series 3, Episode 2

In this episode Jo Caulfield is joined by stand-up comedian and hill walking enthusiast Gary Little and Gary Robertson is joined by his long term roving reporter Lisa Summers.

Radio 4
45 min
Radio 4

Killing Kate

A black comedy by Tessa Gibbs about parenting, about consequences, about love - and about the possibility of doing the wrong thing, the worst thing, for all the right reasons.

Radio 4
30 min
The News Quiz. Andy Zaltzman

The News Quiz

Series 96, Episode 5

Miles Jupp is joined by Jeremy Hardy, Kiri Pritchard-Mclean, Helen Lewis and Fern Brady. The panel discuss the USA's withdrawal from the Iran Nuclear Deal, Vladimir Putin's surprise fourth term in office and Dr Dre's legal dispute with a gynaecologist of the same name.

Number 6. Mansour Bellow

Number 6

Episode 10

Smash and Thanyia Moore take to the Number 6 stage tonight.

Home From Home. Neil Hackett (Johnny Vegas). Copyright: BBC

Home From Home

Episode 4 - Pitter Patter

It's the Hacketts' anniversary and Neil has bagged the best table at the best restaurant in the area.

Wild Wild Web. Humza Arshad. Copyright: Big Deal Films

Wild Wild Web

Episode 8

Join Nicola Hume stepping in for Humza as the comedians do battle over memes, tweets and who can take the crown as the best digital lip reader. Archie and Rio captain the teams.

30 min
Episodes. Image shows from L to R: Matt LeBlanc (Matt LeBlanc), Sean Lincoln (Stephen Mangan), Beverly Lincoln (Tamsin Greig)


Series 5, Episode 7

After Matt "passes" on the new show that he developed with Sean and Beverly, the British writers are forced to figure out what lies ahead without him. Carol purses her lawsuit against Helen and the network with surprising results.

Friday Night Dinner. Image shows from L to R: Martin (Paul Ritter), Jackie (Tamsin Greig)

Friday Night Dinner

Series 5, Episode 2 - The Tin Of Meat

When mum's best friend Val moves in after rowing with her husband, Dad can't take it anymore. Val keeps tidying up the house and chucking away all his old stuff. Tensions reach boiling point when Val finds a tin of meat with a best before 1996 date that Dad's been keeping in his shed.

High & Dry. Image shows from L to R: Douglas (Harry Peacock), Harriet (Vicki Pepperdine)

High & Dry

Episode 2 - The Camp

On a mission to look for food and water, Harriet and Douglas discover a dinghy that is only big enough for two people.

BBC One. Copyright: BBC
45 min
The Graham Norton Show. Graham Norton. Credit: So Television, Christopher Baines

The Graham Norton Show

Series 23, Episode 6 - Ryan Reynolds, Josh Brolin, Vanessa Kirby, David Beckham, Joan Armatrading

David Beckham says he's heartbroken that his sons have stopped playing football; Ryan Reynolds talks about Deadpool; Josh Brolin says he once hated The Goonies; Vanessa Kirby says she loves Princess Margaret with all her heart; and Joan Armatrading performs live in the studio.

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