Newsjack - Series 6 Page 53

Gutted: got the 'close but no cigar' email.

nothing for me. Off to rejects

Quote: Gerry McDonnell @ March 15 2012, 4:40 PM GMT

Gutted: got the 'close but no cigar' email.

Commiserations. Me too. Breaks my 100% record of recorded = broadcast.

Quote: Gerry McDonnell @ March 15 2012, 4:40 PM GMT

Gutted: got the 'close but no cigar' email.

That would have had a lot of names on it this week. Hard lines to all you guys.

Congrats people on there! I see a David S, a Bomsh, a TheProducer, a Trabs (I think?). Well done all!


Really pulled their finger out in the edit this week then? Well done everyone who got on.

Have uploaded my rejects to critique already, whilst finishing off my Laugh Track entry.


Quote: swerytd @ March 15 2012, 4:56 PM GMT

That would have had a lot of names on it this week. Hard lines to all you guys.

Congrats people on there! I see a David S, a Bomsh, a TheProducer, a Trabs (I think?). Well done all!


Aye. I am hoping it's the Ed Miliband getting his teeth brusehd sketch.

Quote: Trabs @ March 15 2012, 5:03 PM GMT

Aye. I am hoping it's the Ed Miliband getting his teeth brusehd sketch.

Well done. There's a good chance it is cos that one was recorded.

I must admit not having anything even close is getting to me

My rejects have all been posted in critique.

Two more weeks then I'm going to try something else. Weight-lifting perhaps.

Oo, I sees an Andy Fanton on there cool.

Nothing for me as per usual.

Quote: DeathbyMonkey @ March 15 2012, 5:09 PM GMT

I must admit not having anything even close is getting to me

I'm with you on that one. Time to psych myself up and give it my all for the next two weeks *cue Rocky-esque montage sequence*

Congratulations to everyone who got stuff on.

Strike 4 for me. Not even close....again.... *sigh* ah well........

Once again, many congrats to those who got something on this week!

I'm another not-even-close. :( Well done to everybody whose stuff was recorded and especially those who made the final cut.