Vicious - Series 1 Page 4

Sorry - watched this for about 10 minutes and had to turn over to watch the Dave Allen documentary.

I know it's supposed to be OTT but I really didn't find it funny.

Quote: Nil Putters @ April 29 2013, 8:59 PM BST

Are these two gay?

Quote: David Smith @ April 29 2013, 9:00 PM BST



That was a really confident and funny first episode.

Maybe I need to give it another go but I just didn't find it that funny.

Shame, I was really looking forward to it

I thought that was laugh out loud excellent. The script is good, and there's massive acting firepower being deployed to cover the gaps. It's obviously going to have a Rising Damp air to it before Ms La Tour arrives on set, and you don't have to have seen Sir Ian's Estragon (which was fabulous) to see the Godot aspects.

The weak points are the wildly inappropriate theme music, which appears to have arrived from another series, the dirt cheap exterior shots and a nagging suspicion that the rape jokes were pushing it a bit. But overall, fabulous, and well worth watching next week.

The 80s was probably the last time those two characters really felt legitimately young. If you look at it that way I think it's kind of fitting music.

As an animal-cruelty-conaisseur I did like the "the old dog serves as a doorstopper these days" line a lot.

Quote: zooo @ April 29 2013, 9:44 PM BST

The 80s was probably the last time those two characters really felt legitimately young. If you look at it that way I think it's kind of fitting music.

The 80s was also the last time Jimmy Somerville felt young.

Quote: zooo @ April 29 2013, 9:25 PM BST

I also killed a prostitute on Coronation Street!

My favourite line :D

Quote: Gordon Bennett @ April 29 2013, 9:29 PM BST

Strange, they're going a bit for the nostalgic feeling, even evoke the Rising Damp atmosphere with the similar styled flat as Will pointed out...and yet chose that (relatively) modern song that doesn't really match.

Except that it's a song sung by a gay artist.

I would have taken a Woody Allen like jazz song or something. Or at least the Lou Reed song called "Vicious".

I would have liked the two leads to have sung a slow melodic duet with witty ripostes ending up with them singing the same last couple of lines. Maybe with accompanying cartoons. Not that I've thought too deeply about it..... Huh?

'They're gay! LOL'. Nice one ITV.

Canned laughter from start to finish
Poor and predictable script
Over the top acting reminiscent of a very bad local am-dram group

Sorry but not at all impressed. Not sure what ITV are doing, but they really need some new talent spotters, because this is the latest in a poor run of sit coms.

It's a shame, because I thought this would be worth watching.

Monday night comedy night....not.

Quote: Michael Barton @ April 29 2013, 9:55 PM BST

Canned laughter from start to finish

Give me strength...

Not canned, live audience.

I used to think team written sitcoms US-style were the answer to whatever's wrong with this country's comedic output, but apparently that's how Trollied was created so clearly the problems run deeper than that.

Quote: zooo @ April 29 2013, 9:56 PM BST

Not canned, live audience.

Do people REALLY not know that live audiences watch these things? How can people not know this?

I hope this gets a 2nd series.

Quote: Michael Barton @ April 29 2013, 9:55 PM BST

Canned laughter from start to finish

Hardly. It's so obviously in the same acoustic as the actors, with the leads timing off the laughs, that you would have to have a pretty tin ear to make that accusation.