Red Dwarf to return Page 7

Oooo, cooolies!

Quote: Mark @ September 17 2008, 7:11 PM BST

Details from The Guardian:

Meanwhile UKTV shows for Channel Dave officially announced today include Argumental and a gadget show called Batteries Not Included, the latter of which will be presented by... John Cleese!

And to contradict, here's a quote from Kryten:

We're doing four new shows - two of them are going to be proper new episodes of Red Dwarf. [The third programme] is so exciting I've been asked not to say anything because other people will steal the idea. And it is a great idea, quite challenging for us as performers. The [final programme] is a kind of behind-the-scenes… the truth… there's been so many rumours and gossip about Red Dwarf, so all those things.

I'm looking forward to all this!

There should be an official announcement tomorrow as to exactly what form the new Dwarf shows will take.

We're heading for a massive anti-climax, aren't we?

Quote: chipolata @ September 18 2008, 2:10 PM BST

We're heading for a massive anti-climax, aren't we?

Why say that?

We know we are now getting one look-back show and two brand new half hour episodes of Red Dwarf. The fourth one should be announced tomorrow.

I can't believe they've waited this long for an announcement. I think it's worth the wait though.....

One positive thing about waiting so long, is that the script should be good. The problem with a lot of sitcoms is that the people who write them don't spend enough time working on them.

Now officially confirmed that there will be 4 new episodes. 2 of them proper episodes, 1 behind the scenes and 1 a clip show with a difference apparently. They will be broadcast sometime next year and a DVD release will doubtless follow.

So what is it?


LOL @ So What Is It?


Red Dwarf is actually my fave.

I for one wasn't disappointed with the latter 2 series and I thought series 8 was a breath of fresh air.

Although, the earlier series' ARE absolute classics.

I met the Dwarfers (excluding Craig Charles who had Corrie commitments) a couple of years ago at the series 8 DVD signing, HMV, London.

My favourite ever ever episode in the history of Red Dwarf ever ever has got to be the backwards one. Top banana! I loved the extras on the DVD, very funny!

Filming starts in January!!

Quote: Princess Pancake @ October 24 2008, 3:09 AM BST

My favourite ever ever episode in the history of Red Dwarf ever ever has got to be the backwards one. Top banana! I loved the extras on the DVD, very funny!

yeah, Backwards was great. :)

This is excellent news. I have been waiting for the movie for about four years now. :P

So does anyone know who's gonna be writing this then?
In that Llwel...lwelly...Robert interview he mentioned Doug (Naylor) by name but didn't mention Rob Grant.
I hope they're going to be writing this together.
I am soooo excited anyway!