Newsjack - Series 8 Page 26

I don't think I've got anything this week either.

I managed to get something in somehow! Looking forward to hearing what it was...

And I can confirm the bad e-mails have now gone out too. Boo!

Oh, well. I'll try again next week.

My rejects are now in critique.

I got something in for the first time! Sent two sketches and a page of one liners. It'll be interesting to see what made it in.

I'm in as well.
Probably with a Pope related correction.

Well done other BCGers who got on or recorded

Bit of a regular now, Steve. Well done. :)

I had one credit in total at the start of the series now I've got 4 So I'm definitely having a good/jammy run.

Nice one Steve!

Recorded but cut. Two things as well. Cut twice in one show!


Quote: swerytd @ March 7 2013, 8:46 PM GMT

Recorded Cut twice in on show!


I submitted a joke about women's feet growing when they get pregnant similar to the one they used but I really I messed up by referring to the old woman who lived in the shoe as 'Old mother Hubbard.', Should have let my 9 year old daughter proof read my jokes before submitting.

I submitted a joke about women's feet growing when they get pregnant similar to the one they used but I really I messed up by referring to the old woman who lived in the shoe as 'Old mother Hubbard.', Should have let my 9 year old daughter proof read my jokes before submitting.

Wow two one liners for me this week!

Quote: Jeremy Dillon @ March 7 2013, 10:35 PM GMT

I submitted a joke about women's feet growing when they get pregnant similar to the one they used but I really I messed up by referring to the old woman who lived in the shoe as 'Old mother Hubbard.', Should have let my 9 year old daughter proof read my jokes before submitting.

I thought it was Old Mother Hubbard who lived in a shoe?

Quote: Winger @ March 7 2013, 10:55 PM GMT

Wow two one liners for me this week!

Congratulations! What did you (and others) get on?