Make an unfounded claim about the poster above you Page 150


After his semenal appearance on QVC, Renegade Carpark was thrown out of the afterparty for ditching his usual taupe/strawberry getup for a rather fetching puce/cerise combo.

Renegade Carpark is a wonderful father and always rewards his children with lots of financial remuneration, alcohol and copious amounts of

Stylee was Climey Fishers conscience for 3 weeks in August 1988.

Brian Bickerstaffe does a drag act at weekends and pretends that this is his big shameful secret to conceal his true shame: writing love poetry to Edwina Curry.

Harridan has a sumptuous mouth.

Oldrocker has a wooden leg so old it's falling to pieces.
He has a pet name for it, Doris.

Booo did a pooo in the looo at the zooo.

Nogget is standing as a Conservative candidate for Pongyang in North Korea in his (or her?) proposed general election there. Door-to-door canvassing begins this weekend - with a swift burial planned for next Monday.

Quote: Nogget @ August 8 2012, 10:38 AM BST

Booo did a pooo in the looo at the zooo.

For zooo.

Booo always uses a ruler for drawing straight lines, usually HSH Prince Hans-Adam II of Liechtenstein.

Flea circus? Nah not big Jack!
He's trained his pubic lice to perform all manner of tricks.
Simply slip Jack a shiny 50 pence piece and he'll unbutton his flies, cast his todger to one side - and let you see the show!

Laughing out loud It was the "cast his todger to one side" that got me.

Brian Bickerstaffe herds sheep at the weekends... he brands them each time he herds them up the mountain to the bottom.

L.E. eats the fluff between her toes when she gets startled.

Harridan is a quiet young man from Cornwall

Brian Brane is a screaming bitch from Bolsover.

Dellas used to keep a streetmap of Bolsover tucked in her underwear, until she realised she had Hants in her pants.