Make an unfounded claim about the poster above you Page 145

'Rear End Packager' is not an anagram of Renegade Carpark.

Stylee TingTing was once thrown out of Madame Tussaud's for frottering the wax figure of Anne of Cleves

Nicky Liar outbid Chuck Norris for Adam Ant's panty liner collection. The Judy Finnighan pre-wing always ulta is the standout item.

Will Cam is known for inserting himself between Billwill's ribs. As the old song goes: "There'll be a Will Cam in the Bill side.."

Laughing out loud

Stylee always saves her pomegranate seeds to fashion into cheap and cheerful jewellery.

dellas is a city in the United States.

Tuumble locked himself in his house naked... twas reported on the news.

L.E has not just a third nipple, but a third testicle.

Ben 10 is the name of a kids cartoon and not a rating that Ben gets from finger-puppeting prozzers and lezzers.

Will Cam has built his very own Hot Tub Time Machine.
Well I say Hot tub time machine, it's basically a Police phone box filled with some kind of warm liquid.

Steve Sunshine is one half of a triplet. The other half is world poverty.

Will Cam is saddened that severed ear lifting is not an Olympic sport

Tuumble sleeps inside a spin dryer.

Stylee TinTing used to practice kissing girls by kissing other boys. He has yet to kiss a girl but continues practicing.

Blissfully Ignorant wasn't so blissful when he ignorantly tried to iron his shirt whilst he was still wearing it. His torso is now horrifically burned, but wonderfully crease free.