Peep Show - Series 6 Page 50

Quote: Aaron @ March 30 2010, 11:48 AM GMT

P.S. Although I seem to recall a pregnancy announced at the end of Series 2, Olivia Colma was not generally in the club through Beautiful People. I don't think...

Doesn't matter. They could just shoot her from above the breasts and below the knees, like they did with Sarah-Jessica Horse Face in Sex and the City when she was pregnant.

Quote: Steve Sunshine @ May 31 2009, 3:26 AM BST

Hi Jim.

It's nice to see that this one goes down well across the pond, as I think it's very English sorry British.

Glad they're making another series anyway.
Have you seen their sketch show ?

I think it is actually very English, and not British, having lived in Scotland for 41 years, I believe the Scottish mentality is very different to that of the English. Unfortunately.

Quote: John Mairs @ April 3 2010, 1:11 AM BST

I think it is actually very English, and not British, having lived in Scotland for 41 years, I believe the Scottish mentality is very different to that of the English. Unfortunately.

My Scotch wife would probably agree.
Although I do understand over fifty percent of Rab C Nesbitt these days.

Quote: Steve Sunshine @ April 3 2010, 1:13 AM BST

My Scotch egg would probably agree.
Although I do understand over fifty percent of my frubes these days.

Steve if you keep talking to your packed lunch you'll get locked up...again.