Newsjack - Series 7 Page 28

Quote: Mikey Jackson @ October 11 2012, 6:39 PM BST

Did it go something like this:

You have chosen police. Is this a genuine call? Or is it a childish, time-wasting prank?
For genuine, press 1. Or for prank, press 2.

Not quite like that I'm afraid. Which given you didn't send it in might be the answer you were looking for?

Quote: Badge @ October 11 2012, 8:29 PM BST

Well done Frantz. And all the Stephens.

Well not ALL the Stephens...

Well done to those who got on/in.
Anybody attending next weeks recording?

I didn't mean ALL the Stephens. Commiserations to A Stephen.

Yeah don't bring all the Stephens into it.

*Waits for Mr Birch

Quote: David Salisbury @ October 11 2012, 8:11 PM BST

Thank you. No idea what it is. I will come back and tell after I hear the show.

Mine were the "joke cloning" and "running out of electricity" sketches.

Quote: David Salisbury @ October 12 2012, 8:41 AM BST

Mine were the "joke cloning" and "running out of electricity" sketches.

Thought from your list earlier there was a chance of a 'double'. Congrats David, great series for you so far!

Quote: radiogagger @ October 12 2012, 12:05 AM BST

Well done to those who got on/in.
Anybody attending next weeks recording?

I'll be there. Lurking somewhere by the bar no doubt.

Quote: David Salisbury @ October 12 2012, 8:41 AM BST

Mine were the "joke cloning" and "running out of electricity" sketches.

Congrats David, nicely done! As well as everyone else who got on and commiserations Badge, but at least you've been recorded every episode!

Quote: StephenM @ October 11 2012, 11:53 PM BST

Not quite like that I'm afraid. Which given you didn't send it in might be the answer you were looking for?

Ah, okay. It's just that I have certain sketches "out there" in the wilderness being considered for other shows, police emergency skech included.

skech = sketch (doh!)

Wow. It's Monday, deadline day, and this thread is quieter than David Cameron's birthday party. Everyone given up for week 5?

I haven't and tried my hand this week with:

- The skydive
- Nobel Peace Prize
- A very different take on the Savile affair

Quote: StephenM @ October 15 2012, 11:50 AM BST

- A very different take on the Savile affair

Brave! Although didn't they refer to Megan stammers and Jimmy last week -indirectly? I was a bit shocked they did

I sent three but not as good as I would have liked, been poorly - big awww.
1) Ed Miliband 2nd job
2) Justin opener
3) NJ Shop about Rewritten Grimm Fairy tales

Mine were
1. The Fifty Shades film that's in the pipeline
2. The lobbying scandal with former senior military officers
3. That litigious B&B owner in Scotland - which may not get past the lawyers!

Mine were:
1.) Endeavour stuck behind trees.
2.) An Ed Miliband sketch about gold plated pensions.
3.) A NJ Shop about the electorate boundary changes

Well done, Mr Salisbury, for his brace last week!


Quote: swerytd @ October 15 2012, 2:41 PM BST

Well done, Mr Salisbury, for his brace last week!


Ditto to that, two of the best bits in the show. I wonder where the inspiration for the bit about internet forums came from?

I got one sketch about Baumgartner and 7 one-liners off. Not my most productive week!