Status report Page 1,456


But no balloons, or it will be a bus man's party, for Scats.



Quote: Leevil @ November 7 2009, 4:57 PM GMT

Has a new keyboard. It's oddly shaped, but spill-proof :D

I bought a rubber one that can be rolled up & bunged in a toolbag to take on-site when someone reported anything that might be keyboard trouble.

That's spill proof too.

Danny is back from a fireworks party, wearing lots of glow sticks and having written several names with sparklers at one point I even had two on the go. :)

Quote: dannyjb1 @ November 7 2009, 10:59 PM GMT

Danny is back from a fireworks party, wearing lots of glow sticks and having written several names with sparklers at one point I even had two on the go. :)


Status Report: Jude's lost her Weetabix.

Annoyed at being woken up for the second day running by some c**t upstairs. Angry

Roo has been informed because she missed out last year on the New years eve fancy dress night out because someone cloned her card, she will get to pick this years theme.

Robyn hasn't started working yet today, and so is gonna have to knuckle down. Unimpressed

Quote: Scatterbrained Floozy @ November 8 2009, 2:06 PM GMT

Robyn hasn't started working yet today, and so is gonna have to knuckle down. Unimpressed

Ahh f**k it for today Robster its Sunday day of rest. Put your feet up.

I'm not feeling too good, but I need to get my Lit. Theory essay done to leave time open for Writing London coursework during the week. :(

Quote: Scatterbrained Floozy @ November 8 2009, 2:20 PM GMT

I'm not feeling too good, but I need to get my Lit. Theory essay done to leave time open for Writing London coursework during the week. :(

MMMMMM....Well if you're not feeling to good I'd definitely leave it because it won't be your best work and then you'll worry about it not being your best

I swear I don't remember having this much work to do at the start of uni!

They threw us in at the deep end, and next week is reading week, so we have coursework and mid-terms to do.