Black Books Page 8

Quote: Dave @ May 6 2013, 7:23 PM BST

Been watching this on YouTube.

Why did Graham Lineham leave after series 1, I wonder?

I recall he said something about not getting on with someone once production started, so moved on. He didn't say who.

Didn't say Who?

Bloody Timelord comedy writers.

I have had this highly suggested to me since I loved The IT Crowd, so I gave this a shot and I didn't like it as much.

I honestly thought it was not as funny as I was expecting it to be, nor was I was superbly entertained by it, it was average to me.

I'm not saying it was horrible, nor will I praise it as being one of the best sitcoms ever.

I think you need to remove The IT Crowd from your memory.

It is very funny in places and quite surreal in places.