Saucy seaside postcards Page 43



Continuing the theme, as beaky is enjoying them so much ? (it's just the way they are coming out in the order of folder - honest guv)



Oops. Will try and avoid so early in the morning - wouldn't want you choking on your cornflakes.

The really objectionable thing about that last one is the absence of an "e" in the word aren't. Why?


The last one - leaving aside how crap it is - would be marginally funnier if the doctor was saying "Exhale! quickly!" The joke bring that he was being suffocated. He should be pinned against the wall, so that he couldn't move his head away. Still crap, though.

Quote: Hercules Grytpype Thynne @ 1st March 2022, 9:23 AM

I like this one. Can just imagine such an exchange in a Carry On.

Well, at least the lettering on the door is the right way round this time....................not unless they are in the typist's office, outside the manager's (put that in for nit-pickers)


A later 50s/60s version of this was couple having it away in hedgerow and the man asking them "How far was the Cock Inn?"


Been there many, many a time, before I took the pledge (and Tesco's own label).........................?


If you haven't honked your ring up after a session, you haven't lived.
I once got alcoholic poisoning after drinking several bottles of merrydown cider.
I didn't know it was nearly 8% proof, I was proper ill for days and the smell of cider still make me wretch