Charlie Brooker's Screenwipe - Series 5 Page 8

But nobody knows who Charlie Brooker is.

He's not a premier footballist.

I know who he is.

You don't count. Cupboard monkey.

Quote: zooo @ November 27 2008, 1:22 PM GMT

But nobody knows who Charlie Brooker is.

Doesn't matter. They know who the Big Brother slapper is.


And Charlie Brooker's been on the telly. That's usually enough of a hook to write a story about them.

I still think they're doing it.

Quote: zooo @ November 27 2008, 1:43 PM GMT

You don't count. Cupboard monkey.


Perhaps he is single.

Quote: Leevil @ November 27 2008, 1:50 PM GMT


I take it back. You don't live in a cupboard.

Quote: chipolata @ November 27 2008, 1:50 PM GMT

Perhaps he is single.

LOVE that.

Especially this...

Besides, marriage inevitably leads to kids, and that's just weird. I don't want to stand in a delivery room, watching someone I'm supposed to love blasting a baby through her hips in an orgy of mucus, gore and screaming. My mind couldn't stand the horror. I would probably grab a rake and start thrashing at it like a farmhand startled by a rat.

Quite right.
If you've actually seen a birth, I can 't comprehend how it's such a popular thing to put your wife through.

Quote: zooo @ November 26 2008, 5:58 PM GMT

He MUST be involved with Aisleyne.

I don't think so, he's just f**king her.

Quote: zooo @ November 27 2008, 3:28 PM GMT

Quite right.
If you've actually seen a birth, I can 't comprehend how it's such a popular thing to put your wife through.

Depends if you actually like your wife. Might be a nice way to get even with the bitch. Especially if you bugger off and leave her to look after the nipper.

Quote: zooo @ November 27 2008, 3:28 PM GMT

Quite right.
If you've actually seen a birth, I can 't comprehend how it's such a popular thing to put your wife through.

Have you seen it properly, or only on TV?

Oh god no, only on TV.