What are you watching on TV? Page 1,674

I'm not sure if I liked that film or not? Will have to watch it again one day.

Don't bother

You hated it

Laughing out loud

Tron Legacy on DVD.

Didn't know Michael Sheen's in it. It took a few seconds before I realized; this strange character with British accent...he was great.

'Wolfman.' having to look away from the exeptionally gory bits.

Is he eating people? Naughty old Benicio Del Toro.

Eating people is putting it mildly! Don't know his name but Anthony Hopkins is the father.

What's the one with Harvey Kietel? Is it Wolf? I wanna watch that one.

Wolf has Jack Nicholson, doesn't it? And Michelle Pfpfpfpfeiffer?

Maybe that's what I am thinking of. :$

But wouldn't Harvey make an awesome werewolf?

Winston Wolf from Pulp Fiction is where my brain was getting confused and muddled. Silly brain.

Yes, Harvey would be a very scary wolf.
Oh god, what about Christopher Walken. :O

Quote: zooo @ November 24 2012, 10:56 PM GMT

Oh god, what about Christopher Walken. :O


Didn't he play a vampire?

Finished. Now drained and expecting nightmares tonight. Geraldine Chapman was the old gypsy! God! I remember her as Omar Shariff's wife in 'Dr. Zhivago' when she was young.

Quote: Lee @ November 24 2012, 10:58 PM GMT


Didn't he play a vampire?

Hmm, sounds familiar.

He looks like he should have played a vampire anyway.