Drunk Page 4

Quote: David Chapman @ May 30, 2007, 7:43 PM

Why - do you want to take over Aaron?

No, I just wish that it was possible for us to stay away from her. Unfortunately, her pissed state is recorded forever on these pages! >_<

Awwww! When I am rich & famous you can sell my pissed writings and make some dollar. I am just thinking of you Hon.

"You make top dollar?"

...love you long time

It is just a crappy expression i picked up. I must lose it.

Lose what I've just tuned in. Is Charley gonna go mad and rip up the place?

Actually Charley you don't seem pissed tonight. Is something wrong?

Having been working at it from about 8 o’clock I now feel qualified to join this discussions.

“I love you guys….are you looking at me, come on then, I’ll ave yar”

I am bumping this as I am on the razz later & I wont be able to find it otherwise.
When my eyes go into the corner I go almost blind. :S


nvkjreh pgte5 g 6p d 5!!

Sorry that was supposed to say.........

Hi.I am pissed & you are?

Good to see you back in your normal state. That last 36 hours (did you last that long?) seemed a bit strange.

Quote: Lewis Roberts @ June 6, 2007, 8:59 PM

I Apoligise for this post i can not find the drunk thread, but when i do, it will be worse than this.

WAAAAAYYY (ow shit i've turned into charley with the whole WAAAAAAYYYYY thing o well i might as well carry on being charley) i'm on the razz and i have kidnapped some men, they are chained up in the basement and i'm doing something unmentionable with my jack & danny. You know what it was fun being Charley. I'm not entierly sure but i think the cat is giving me evils, i don't know why, maybe i shouldn't have painted it blue, but it didn't fit in with my coulour scheme, i better let it out, the neighbours might be wondering where their cat is, and errrrrr, don't you hate people who put bells on their cats, why do it, a cat is a mean predator that eats rats, pigeons, and mine eats its own shit (but hey don't we all have a time where we look down the toilet bowl and think "it kinda looks like food") why put a bell on it? is that cat the town crier? or is it a cat morris dancer or am i basically talking shit?..... back to razzing it up and doing posts like charley would, charley is my roll model, and my hero.

3 boxes of becks for £20 quid. Watching box set of seinfeld.