Drunk Page 10

You put on your mother's clothes and makeup?

no, I borrowed yours

An inverted pyramid of piffle.

Inverted Pyramid? didnt the romans build that because the Collaseum's seating capcity was not up to health and safety standards?

Bet someone had to sit on the pointy bit though.

I'm not sure that was in the blueprints but sure if someone wants to sit up there then fine they can do the annocments.

"Next in th..urgggghhh...Arena 3 are th gladiators.....OH GOD!!" :)

I got so drunk this saturday just gone that i decided to take off my skirt in the club and just wear my tights and a longish top...hmmm! Not sure what was a good idea. And then i lost my digital camera! All my photos from the last 3 months are gone. Oh and then i lost my skirt on the way home (must have fallen out my bag) but then i found it again this morning on the way to work!! wohooo! but no camera! I am a drunken mess!

Quote: EllieJP @ June 25, 2007, 12:16 AM

I got so drunk this saturday just gone that i decided to take off my skirt in the club and just wear my tights and a longish top...hmmm! Not sure what was a good idea. And then i lost my digital camera! All my photos from the last 3 months are gone. Oh and then i lost my skirt on the way home (must have fallen out my bag) but then i found it again this morning on the way to work!! wohooo! but no camera! I am a drunken mess!

oh dear! Better not let Leevil know!

Ellie have you ever been so pissed that you awake to find a tramp lying next to you, with what you can only hope is dribble on his chin and then when you try to get rid of him he asks for the taxi fair home. That is as drunk as you are ever gonna get. I dont touch cider anymore.

Quote: charley rance @ June 25, 2007, 12:36 AM

Ellie have you ever been so pissed that you awake to find a tramp lying next to you, with what you can only hope is dribble on his chin and then when you try to get rid of him he asks for the taxi fair home. That is as drunk as you are ever gonna get. I dont touch cider anymore.

My god!

I seem to remember asking some strange girl for a taxi fair.

I couldn't help what was on my chin though!

Quote: charley rance @ June 25, 2007, 12:36 AM

Ellie have you ever been so pissed that you awake to find a tramp lying next to you, with what you can only hope is dribble on his chin and then when you try to get rid of him he asks for the taxi fair home. That is as drunk as you are ever gonna get. I dont touch cider anymore.

No i haven't! You win!!!! :O

Where you asleep outside the co op. Did you look a little out of place cause the piss stain was at the back rather than the front of your trousers. Did you smell of pickled eggs and manky carrots. If so I dont know who you are. No Siree. I have no idea at all.

That wasn't a piss stain!

The worst experience I've ever had is many years ago my mate got depressed coz his mrs copped of with someone in the bar and he went raging into the streets and threatened to jump of a bridge which he did...Now being the bridge was only 14 foot of the gorund he didnt hurt himself but I decided to help him by jumping of to cousin the fall the logic being I was larger then him I'd fall faster and save the day and maybe get a fee bag of chips...Well gravity didnt agree with me I landed on him broke both his legs and arms and he was in hospital for a while...Mind I was ok got a clicky neck now though