Any feedback on our re-launch? Page 28

All working well for me at the moment.

Quote: Lazzard @ November 21 2012, 9:43 AM GMT

All working well for me at the moment.

Dito. "Aaron'll fix it".

You can always volunteer to contribute to updating the guides :)

Quote: Ben700 @ November 26 2012, 11:16 PM GMT

How come a lot of older non-mainstream sitcoms tend to have a more dated page e.g -

They tend to contain a lot less information too

The majority of newer shows have the newer look and more information such as Hebburn

On the Hebburn page and others like it you can even click on specific episodes and see more info there too.

And the older ones don't have the "See Also" feature which is great for discovering new shows

Don't mean to sound like I'm complaining...simply just wondering. Cheers and keep up the great work!

Hi Ben,

The simple answer to your question is 'time'. We started out, about 8 years ago now, with one simple format of page, and created guides to a heck of a lot of shows with it. We then relaunched the site with an expanded remit and recording loads more detail.

Consequently, any new shows - Hebburn, for example - get made straight away with the juicy new format, but we struggle to find time to convert some of those older ones into the newer, more detailed style.

In what time we do get, we try to prioritise upgrading mainstream titles - say, Father Ted or The Royle Family - for obvious reasons. We do the odd more obscure show - Rich Hall's Cattle Drive and Whoops Baghdad for example - from time to time too, but with literally hundreds of pages and hours of comedy to go through, it takes quite a bit of time.

For your interest, our database currently holds 5,547 individual British comedy titles; 170 guides are 'live' in that simpler, older format and a further 1,722 are in the newer, more detailed style. There are another 1,799 more detailed guides currently in various stages of construction, a figure which includes most if not all of the original 170.

So to cut a long answer into one sentence: we simply haven't got around to them yet, but hope to soon!

Hope that makes sense. :)

Get a move on slack-ass :P

I know Aaron's pet peeve is bad spelling and grammar, but I'm finding the autocorrect quite irritating when it mis-corrects more obscure elements of acceptable grammar.

If you provide examples I can correct it.

Quote: Harridan @ December 1 2012, 2:17 PM GMT

I know Aaron's pet peeve is bad spelling and grammar

Then he must enjoy my posts! ;)

Quote: Aaron @ December 1 2012, 2:41 PM GMT

If you provide examples I can correct it.

"g o t t e n" automatically changes to "got" but the former can be correct grammar if you are saying it the sense of 'acquired' or 'became'. This bloody autocorrect also ruined a joke of mine ages ago by changing "w o n t" into "won't". I want to do my own editing!

How about some sort of 10 second delay enforced between making posts? Might stop Joel double posting then. :D

Quote: Lee @ December 1 2012, 11:49 PM GMT

How about some sort of 10 second delay enforced between making posts? Might stop Joel double posting then. :D

In the majority of cases, double posts should be automatically merged by the board software.

Quote: Harridan @ December 1 2012, 5:10 PM GMT

"g o t t e n" automatically changes to "got" but the former can be correct grammar if you are saying it the sense of 'acquired' or 'became'. This bloody autocorrect also ruined a joke of mine ages ago by changing "w o n t" into "won't". I want to do my own editing!

I can't think of a case in which "g o t t e n" is correct in modern English? Possible there are some very, very obscure legitimate uses, but for the most part it's a creeping Americanism that's been rightly defunct for a good few hundred years now. Assuming for the sake of argument that there are some legitimate uses of it though, I think encouraging people to use correct contemporary English is more important than allowing for those minority instances.

Ditto "w o n t"; I know it's a real, valid word, but it's so rare I have genuinely never noticed it used here, and feel the correction to the contraction "will not" is more important. Sorry.

But thanks for mentioning those cases. I'll consider all such instances, so should you become aware of others, I'll look at them individually. :)

ahem. May I introduce the OED?

gotten, adj.

Pronunciation: /ˈɡɒt(ə;)n/
Forms: see get v.; also got adj.
Etymology: past participle of get v.
Thesaurus »
Categories »

1. Obtained, acquired, won (chiefly with accompanying adverb). Now rare, exc. in ill-gotten adj.
c1380 Wyclif Sel. Wks. III. 302 whom þei maken sacrifice and omage for þis falsly geten lordischip.
a1400 (1325) Cursor Mundi (Trin. Cambr.) l. 4913 We haue wiþ vs trussed nouȝt But þing þat we truly bouȝt And so is oure t[r]ewe geten þing.
1477 Earl Rivers tr. Dictes or Sayengis Philosophhres (Caxton) (1877) lf. 32v, Pouertee is better than euyl goten richesse.
1548 Hall's Vnion: Edward IV f. ccxxxi, The gain of the nyne got battailes.
1580 Sir P. Sidney tr. Psalmes David x. iii, This got blisse, shall never part.
1603 R. Knolles Gen. Hist. Turkes 59 Three or foure yeares passed in great quietnesse, to the great strengthening of him in those his new got kingdomes.
1665 T. Manley tr. H. Grotius De Rebus Belgicis 265 They should not endanger their got Honour.
1717 Pope tr. Homer Iliad III. x. 596 Haste to the Ships, the got Spoils enjoy.
1820 T. Chalmers Congregat. Serm. (1838) II. 54 He is apt to be satisfied with the triumphs of his got victory.
1894 W. E. Gladstone tr. Horace Odes 36 On got goods to live Contented.

I do not doubt its existence as a word. That rather proves my point otherwise: "Now rare", and the most recent cited example being of a different spelling, and from 1477. Quite recent...

No, most recent cited spelling in that entry is Gladstone in 1894 but your bloody auto-correct changed it. It's also not a fully updated entry according to the OED website. Hardly a creeping Americanism, though. I don't like having my vocabulary dictated by your autocorrect so I'm going to have to find a way to protest. Maybe I'll start talking in l33t or something.

This is a misbegotten argument