Things that piss you off Page 370


I am stupid, as proved daily on here.

I am other things too. But not gonna go there because it makes zooo sad.

Quote: Aaron @ December 26 2008, 2:34 PM GMT

I am other things too. But not gonna go there because it makes zooo sad.

Why would your being a sex machine upset her?


Laughing out loud

Quote: Ben @ December 26 2008, 2:20 PM GMT

Actually, now I think about it, it's probably due to lack of self esteem. That's why I usually just ignore positive comments about me.

Awwwwww that is sooo sad Ben! Console You are lovely and deserving of a hug! Hug You can't ignore my hug! That would be rude! Pleased

I have to admit I've found myself watching the Victoria Secrets modelling show on E and feel quite down on myself. I really need to be careful about what rubbish I watch.

*hugs back*

Hugging making the world go round.

That and space stuff.

Can I have a hug?:(


You okay Scatters?

Yay! Hug

Quote: PhQnix @ December 26 2008, 3:52 PM GMT

You okay Scatters?

Not really, but ohhhh well.

Quote: Scatterbrained Floozy @ December 26 2008, 2:00 PM GMT

>_< Damn. You must all be deluded.

Except me. I really am your adopted dad! I AM!!!

Teary I'm really lost today! Help, 'Dad'!

Quote: Scatterbrained Floozy @ December 26 2008, 4:46 PM GMT

Teary I'm really lost today! Help, 'Dad'!

Awww, I'm always here!! Console

I've rung up Trinny and Suzanna and booked the whole of the BSG in for a make-over.
You'll all feel great afterwards cos that always happens.

Seriously though, I think it's nigh impossible for any one person to judge how attractive they are, a lot of the time looking in a mirror is like the visual version of listening to the sound of your own voice.
The simple truth is, if people are attracted to you, you are attractive - that can't really be debated no matter what your self image. You've all had/do have boyfriends and girlfriends - so there you go!