Things that piss you off Page 369

>_< Damn. You must all be deluded.


Unless, when you say 'that' you are point towards your pussy. In which case, gladly. Pleased


How rude...

Me? Never. Angelic

Quote: PhQnix @ December 26 2008, 1:52 PM GMT

Robyn says I'm deluded when I say she's pretty

A lot of women suffer this and I don't know why.

And boys...

Quote: Ben @ December 26 2008, 2:17 PM GMT

A lot of women suffer this and I don't know why.

Could answer. Won't.

It's a people thing. No one ever has a true approximation of there body image. It's all quite silly really, everyone would be quick to blurt out that looks do not matter but then we'd all complain for days on end about how we look. Silly humans.

Go on Scats!

Actually, now I think about it, it's probably due to lack of self esteem. That's why I usually just ignore positive comments about me.

Quote: zooo @ December 26 2008, 2:18 PM GMT

And boys...


But! Butttt!!!

Quote: PhQnix @ December 26 2008, 2:20 PM GMT

there body image.


F**kf**kf**k. God. I keep doing that.

I blame the coffee, chocolate orange and the promise of pirate on pirate action later on.

Quote: zooo @ December 26 2008, 2:20 PM GMT

Go on Scats!

It would've just been self deprecating.

I guess, though, it's because when you look at yourself you can't possibly know how you really look because everything you've been through - things people have said and done about you, things you've said and done about yourself - get projected onto that image you see. I still see myself as a scared, withdrawn, big and bald spotted girl like I was until about 15, so I don't know how I could manage to get past all of that with such a lack of self belief, too.

Makes sense. Sadly. :(

And it's all the bad things which stick with you, too, never the good ones.