Things that piss you off Page 1,397

Rock stars so far up their own arse and "causes" who have forgotten to make decent music anymore. Yes, George Michael, Sting, and Annie Lennox, I do mean you!

Quote: paulted @ 11th March 2014, 7:32 PM GMT

Rock stars so far up their own arse and "causes" who have forgotten to make decent music anymore. Yes, George Michael, Sting, and Annie Lennox, I do mean you!

Well, you could add Justin Bieber to that list...sorry, bad joke!

Don't mean to be picky.... but Bieber has never made the sort of quality music to go downhill from!! lol

Quote: paulted @ 11th March 2014, 8:31 PM GMT

Don't mean to be picky.... but Bieber has never made the sort of quality music to go downhill from!! lol

Well, I'm not sure you'd be able to write genius lines such as "Baby, baby, baby...", so shut up! ;)

I am legally bound not to discuss this matter as I wrote that particular lyric some years ago and am currently suing for playgeearism. Who can't write??

Job applications.

Bloody competencies. It's all bollocks isn't it!

Quote: Chappers @ 11th March 2014, 9:55 PM GMT

Job applications.

Bloody competencies. It's all bollocks isn't it!

What happened to the 'I like the cut of your jib, young fella.' interviews?

Quote: Chappers @ 11th March 2014, 9:55 PM GMT

Job applications.

Bloody competencies. It's all bollocks isn't it!

If you get an interview with Ben, you might be able to bribe him with some fancy cheese or sausages.

Quote: George Kaplan @ 11th March 2014, 10:52 PM GMT

If you get an interview with Ben, you might be able to bribe him with some fancy cheese or sausages.


But whatever you do, don't talk about football! ;)

I have become convinced that new parents don't remember what their kids look like and they're all suffering from some sort of Memento style memory syndrome if the number of frikkin' pictures on Facebook is anything to go by.

'Here's a picture of my dull arsed sprong eating something'

'Here's almost an identical picture of my spoiled infant wearing a hat because the sun came out'

F**k me, it's hard to believe there is only the one 'Like' button on Facebook. These poor kids are growing up thinking they live in a police state, where their every movement is monitored and photographed. They probably can't even recognise their parents when they're not holding a smart phone over their stupid faces.

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ 12th March 2014, 8:42 PM GMT

I have become convinced that new parents don't remember what their kids look like and they're all suffering from some sort of Memento style memory syndrome if the number of frikkin' pictures on Facebook is anything to go by.

'Here's a picture of my dull arsed sprong eating something'

'Here's almost an identical picture of my spoiled infant wearing a hat because the sun came out'

F**k me, it's hard to believe there is only the one 'Like' button on Facebook. These poor kids are growing up thinking they live in a police state, where their every movement is monitored and photographed. They probably can't even recognise their parents when they're not holding a smart phone over their stupid faces.

Laughing out loud

PC gamers. I have no idea why I read the comments section on articles and videos but these guys are the biggest bunch of knobs. They only seem to care about graphics and lose all sense that games are for playing as much as gawping at.

I know console fanboys are just as bad but PC are snobby about it.

Quote: Lee @ 12th March 2014, 9:17 PM GMT

PC gamers. I have no idea why I read the comments section on articles and videos but these guys are the biggest bunch of knobs. They only seem to care about graphics and lose all sense that games are for playing as much as gawping at.

I know console fanboys are just as bad but PC are snobby about it.

Would it be fair to say you're all equally pitiful.

Cool people play pen 'n paper roleplaying games.

Yes, yes it would be.