Things that piss you off Page 1,157

Quote: Ben @ December 15 2012, 6:40 PM GMT

Just like my trousers.

When are your trousers due an update?

Whatsapp is back, Lee! Rejoice in the streets in your inimitable nude manner! \o/

Cool, I'll send you a message!


Your balls are too hot, Lee. Too hot. No seriously, they shouldn't be that red. And believe me, I'm an expert on them.

Quote: Ben @ December 15 2012, 7:08 PM GMT

Whatsapp is back, Lee!

No it's not. :(


:D Fun and relief from quasi- serious blurbs.

Food shopping on a Sunday. Can I get through it again?

Quote: Ben @ December 16 2012, 12:42 PM GMT

Food shopping on a Sunday. Can I get through it again?

Mix it up. Try something new.

For the love of God, please stop showing the advert for the bleeding Snowman and his fuppin' Snow Dog every 12 seconds.

You know it's going to be a massive let down and that unlike previous British animations which were always dark, haunting and brutal, this will be given the Disney wash.

You don't know that! Maybe the dog will wee on the snowman until he melts.

Quote: zooo @ December 16 2012, 6:37 PM GMT

You don't know that! Maybe the dog will wee on the snowman until he melts.

Preferably the snowman will wee on the dog till he melts.

Quote: zooo @ December 16 2012, 6:37 PM GMT

Maybe the dog will wee on the snowman until he melts.


I'd tune in for that. And I wish ITV 2-4 would stop showing great films on a constantly repeating cycle. I must have watched John Carpenter's The Thing like 12 times the other week.

Quote: keewik @ December 16 2012, 6:37 PM GMT

Preferably the snowman will wee on the dog till he melts.

Though thinking about it, wouldn't both the Snowman and Snowdog have frozen urine?

Noticed there's no Snow Cat.

BCG is The Warmest Place to Hide

Quote: Lee @ December 16 2012, 6:42 PM GMT

BCG is The Warmest Place to Hide


Crikey, did everyone get crack cocaine for Christmas?
