The Weather Page 32

Beautiful day today, though it's now clouding over. It was the nicest on Tuesday, while I was stuck inside counting drink stirrers and sweltering in my awful polo shirt.

Nice warm day - Hope it's the same tomorrow!

Good weather for planned fence-painting activities. :)

Quote: Leevil @ September 10 2009, 9:22 AM BST

Is that your house or phone number near the door? Pleased

Cities that don't have a grid system of streets all seem to be switching to 5-digit street addresses. I'm not sure how they're derived.

Unexpected (but welcome) rainstorm. It's still sunny outside, so I doubt it'll last long. I was on my way outside to water the garden, so it came at an opportune time.

The sky is black outside here, can't see a thing it's that bad.

But the big fire ball shall rise again and things will be well.

Quote: Leevil @ September 21 2009, 1:01 AM BST

But the big fire ball shall rise again and things will be well.

Or so you hope. Pray, Leevil, pray.


*sandwich appears*

*to self* Concentrate Leevil, concentrate!

Quote: Leevil @ September 21 2009, 1:51 AM BST


*sandwich appears*

*to self* Concentrate Leevil, concentrate!

*minge appears*

Mmmmmmmmmmm..... *salivates*

As much as I like the vagina, the word "minge" isn't very salivating. Pleased

Quote: Aaron @ September 21 2009, 1:53 AM BST

*minge appears*

I've known a few women who believed that the sun shown out of there ...





Cum bucket has an air of sophistication about it.

Barely 8 p.m. and the sun is gone. Summer is over and it makes me sad.

There's a hole in my bucket, dear Liza, dear Liza...