The Weather Page 29

Quote: Tim Walker @ September 9 2009, 2:07 PM BST

Sunny, warm and shiny here. :)

I have a hunch it's warmer here during this 8 a.m. rainstorm than it is there.

Quote: roscoff @ August 31 2009, 1:58 PM BST

Was at Old Trafford cricket ground yesterday. England v Australia. British weather did it's usual. Game abandoned. I like rain but yesterday it was a f**king pain. £40 for no result :(

Ha. Ha. Ha. That's what you get for liking cricket!

Quote: roscoff @ September 3 2009, 12:04 AM BST

might as well of stood


Quote: DaButt @ September 9 2009, 2:39 PM BST

I have a hunch it's warmer here during this 8 a.m. rainstorm than it is there.

Pah! What's the point of it being warm when it's also raining? American weather is boring, there's not enough of it. Whereas over here we have too much weather, which is too exciting. Unimpressed

I often wonder what the weather's like in Mogadishu.

Blue skies here! Too blue if you ask me.

What in Mogadishu?


alright, alright calm down Leevil, calm down...Sheeeeeeeeesh! Just asking...Deary me.

It's a sensitive subject.

Quote: Tim Walker @ September 9 2009, 5:07 PM BST

American weather is boring, there's not enough of it.

I'm fairly certain that we have every type of weather you do and then some.

Quote: DaButt @ September 9 2009, 5:36 PM BST

I'm fairly certain that we have every type of weather you do and then some.

I hear you've got the 37th worst weather in the world.

Quote: chipolata @ September 9 2009, 5:37 PM BST

I hear you've got the 37th worst weather in the world.

Some of the best and some of the worst. Everything from blazing deserts to rain forests and frozen tundra to steamy swamps.

But have you got Tsunami's hey?? Have you?

Quote: LIME5000 @ September 9 2009, 5:43 PM BST

But have you got Tsunami's hey?? Have you?

Yes. Is 1720 feet tall enough for you?

Only 1720 feet? If you said around the 2000ft mark then yeah that's a pretty decent size...BUt as it is...