I read the news today oh boy! Page 1,337

Quote: Ben @ October 12 2013, 2:38 PM BST

This is a tragic tale:



Yeah, interesting.

But you know it'll ruin zooo's weekend, don't you?

What's also scary and sobering is the power and influence of government in war time, the obedience of citizens, and how easy it is to push their panic button.

Quote: sootyj @ October 12 2013, 5:09 PM BST

You were hanging around Balmoral and they jumped you?

Just let the bastards try! Ah'll pit the heid in them!

I'm not reading that!
*pretends didn't happen*

Quote: zooo @ October 12 2013, 7:21 PM BST

I'm not reading that!
*pretends didn't happen*


And by the way, I have alway steered clear of Balmoral on principle.

Quote: zooo @ October 12 2013, 7:21 PM BST

I'm not reading that!
*pretends didn't happen*

I saw the headline and immediately closed the window. NOPEY NOPE NOPE NOPE.



If anyone ever tried to hurt my cat I would not be responsible for my actions.

A boyfriend once asked me who I would save in a fire - him or my cat. Apparently I "hesitated" in my answer.

He became an ex pretty quickly after that.

When you say 'cat' do you mean familiar?


to the gaol with her


What kind of society does our government want?

They seem to be legislating against humanity

That's quite an old story. I read about the same thing happening in other areas of the country, too, as part of a 'clean-up' effort. It is just utterly repulsive and I cannot comprehend how that was signed off on, and why no police officers objected.

The police seem to like easy win enforcement


He'd do a much better job himself.