Extras Christmas Special Page 20

Because journalists don't take things out of context.

Leevil quipped:

Quote: Leevil @ January 3, 2008, 7:09 PM


are a bunch of cocksuckers"

Quote: Leevil @ January 3, 2008, 7:09 PM

Because journalists don't take things out of context.

True, but Gervais also says that stuff in live audio interviews.

Can some people honestly not see that he's saying those things in jest?

I'm sure he does think his work is great, as perfect as he can make it - otherwise he wouldn't put it on TV. But he doesn't think the sun shines out of his arse. He says things like that in interviews that are SO CLEARLY ironic, and some people just insist on not getting it.

It's saying something when a TV programe can keep my cesspool of a brain interested for the best part of an hour and a half. Funny, clever, poignant and all the other good stuff everyone else has said already.

The only criticism or rather the only thing that for me stood out as a glaringly bad idea was the confrontation with Gordon Ramsey. It seemed totally unnecessary and heavy handed. Andy's comments or rather defensive retorts about chefs being gay etc. was like something foul from 'on the buses' circa 1974.
Even the crappest of comedians today wouldn't use it, well maybe Stan Boardman but...

Quite how or why that made it into the final edit is beyond me........
Is it beyond me?
Did i miss something?

All in all fabulous, a fine way for Ricky to redeem himself after dying on his arse big style at that god awful Princess Diana tribute concert thing earlier in the year.

Why have some Gervais-haters said that the Andy Millman and David Brent are the same or very similar? I have watched both of these series back to back and, apart from the fact that they are played by the same man, they have almost nothing to do with each other.

I mean, if you hate Gervais then, fine, you'll hate him in everything because you'll only ever see him. Personally, I don't think he has the world's best personality but that doesn't stop me from liking his comedy shows much, much more than I've ever liked him.

Quote: zooo @ January 3, 2008, 7:47 PM

Can some people honestly not see that he's saying those things in jest?

I'm sure he does think his work is great, as perfect as he can make it - otherwise he wouldn't put it on TV. But he doesn't think the sun shines out of his arse. He says things like that in interviews that are SO CLEARLY ironic, and some people just insist on not getting it.

That's just an excuse and also so mind-numbingly unfunny. You can't constantly hide behind 'irony'. If he acts like that all the time then where do you draw the line of when he's been serious or when he's been "ironic"? You can hardly be ironic about those things because had has won all those awards and has appeared in Hollywood films etc and whatever way you look at it it's still bragging but hidden under 'irony' he thinks he can get away with it and he does with most people.

Get about two minutes into that and you'll see what I mean http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EnIiN7xSFpA Even if it is hidden behind "irony", you can tell so much that he believes that stuff and is really hurt by criticism.

Quote: Philly Baby @ January 3, 2008, 8:31 PM

Why have some Gervais-haters said that the Andy Millman and David Brent are the same or very similar? I have watched both of these series back to back and, apart from the fact that they are played by the same man, they have almost nothing to do with each other.

I mean, if you hate Gervais then, fine, you'll hate him in everything because you'll only ever see him. Personally, I don't think he has the world's best personality but that doesn't stop me from liking his comedy shows much, much more than I've ever liked him.

Gervais himself is clearly of the opinion that his acting is similar for both roles. He takes the piss out of himself for this in the Extras DVD extras. And no argument can compel me to believe that the bit in the special where Maggie pretends to be his agent is not completely Brent-esque. all the mannerisms are there, full stop!

And I don't hate Gervais, I'm a huge fan.

Of course he's hurt by criticism. And he's not like that 'all' the time, just in almost all interviews. Although strangely, less so in radio interviews.

Quote: Martin Holmes @ January 3, 2008, 8:40 PM

That's just an excuse and also so mind-numbingly unfunny. You can't constantly hide behind 'irony'. If he acts like that all the time then where do you draw the line of when he's been serious or when he's been "ironic"? You can hardly be ironic about those things because had has won all those awards and has appeared in Hollywood films etc and whatever way you look at it it's still bragging but hidden under 'irony' he thinks he can get away with it and he does with most people.

You are dedicated to seeing everything he does as negative, and I am just the same but for positive. I've had this discussion so many times it bores the tits off me. It's my own fault, I shouldn't have entered into it!

Yeah zooo, if all this is irony, then that makes him look like even more of a cock; why can't he show his real self?

Is this one still going on?


Quote: Aaron @ January 3, 2008, 9:49 PM


Laughing out loud

Why should he always be his real self? (On TV I mean - presumably he's his real self with his girlfriend. or at least his cat)
He probably thinks it'd be quite boring for the audience.

I love it when the real person pops out for a moment though (oo er), with any celebrity.

The thing I find annoying about Gervais (the person, not comedian) is that he craves celebrity/media attention for what he considers is the right sort of celebrity/media attention.

For example, earlier this year he was on the Richard & Judy show campaigning and offering a reward for a lost cat. Apparently he had seen posters up, in the road he lives in, and he felt bad for the people who had lost this cat, so he phoned Richard & Judy, live on air, and pled for people to find it. Was this really necessary?? Did it really require a nationwide search?? He was just trying to make himself look good. :S

Also, I can't remember the number of times I've seen him go on about the time he supposedly rejected $1 million dollars to come up with a superbowl TV advert. Huh?

Or maybe he's a nice person. Shock fecking horror.

What he does do is tell the exact same stories in interviews. The stuff he was using for material on the 11 O Clock show suddenly turns up in a new Letterman interview. Lazy bugger.