Seinfeld Page 5

Quote: Leevil @ July 11, 2007, 12:02 AM

I've been in a right bad mood tonight, just watching back2back Seinfeld, cheered me up no end!! :D

"My name rhymes with a female body part."


Molva? :D

love seinfeld, its a great comedy series. going to buy season 8 when i have the money definitely.

"these pretzels are making me thirsty"

Brilliant series. Perfect example of how a show can be developed over time into a masterpiece. They were allowed twenty or so episodes before they started getting it consistantly brilliant. This wouldn't happen now, not in America or over here.

Season 4's The Outing is pure poetry on every level.


Quote: Darren Goldsmith @ July 11, 2007, 2:51 PM



I don't think you could name a comedy that ran for so long, so consistently brilliant, with better writing, characters and performances.

Quote: Seefacts @ July 11, 2007, 3:00 PM


I don't think you could name a comedy that ran for so long, so consistently brilliant, with better writing, characters and performances.

I don't know why I'm answering but I want to answer with Frasier, the only thing that they did do wrong was Daphne+Niles getting together, but I don't think the quality went down, it just lost one of it's best jokes/hooks, but I was already hooked anyway.

Quote: Seefacts @ July 11, 2007, 3:00 PM


I don't think you could name a comedy that ran for so long, so consistently brilliant, with better writing, characters and performances.


Quote: Leevil @ July 11, 2007, 3:06 PM

I don't know why I'm answering but I want to answer with Frasier, the only thing that they did do wrong was Daphne+Niles getting together, but I don't think the quality went down, it just lost one of it's best jokes/hooks, but I was already hooked anyway.

Hmm, close. The last few season were poor I think, just not funny. It feel short in the end. Obviously a classic, which I still enjoy watching.

Quote: Darren Goldsmith @ July 11, 2007, 3:10 PM


What do you mean 'What?'?

Quote: Seefacts @ July 11, 2007, 3:13 PM

Hmm, close. The last few season were poor I think, just not funny. It feel short in the end. Obviously a classic, which I still enjoy watching.

What do you mean 'What?'?

What do you mean by what do you mean? :P

I prefer Frasier over Seinfeld, but i haven't seen all of Seinfeld yet so, I might change my mind, doubt it though.

Fraiser is very good but Seinfeld is excellent. For all the witty gags Fraiser has, Seinfeld has the better more intricate plots and dialouge. A lot of the plots in Fraiser were quite similar where as with Seinfeld every episode was completely different, it was a show that derived its humour from the actual characters and plots rather than just witty one-liners...although it had its fair share of those too. Both classic sitcoms though.

I'm judging purely on what makes my laugh more and so far Frasier has.

Quote: Seefacts @ July 11, 2007, 3:13 PM

What do you mean 'What?'?

Your sentence didn't make sense...

Quote: Darren Goldsmith @ July 11, 2007, 3:30 PM

Your sentence didn't make sense...

Yes, it did.

So, Seinfeld's good . . .

Quote: Luke Messimer @ June 12, 2007, 11:43 PM

...Seinfeld lost a lot of it's originality.

Nope, lost me on this one. I know I've only cut and pasted part of you posting but even so, how could Seinfeld lose its originality when the originality will always be there in the material that was groundbreaking, hence the 'originality'.