I read the news today oh boy! Page 2,427

He can probably afford to be a star, he'll get his wages no matter what.
In the far off bad days, I was a shop steward, then later moving to be an area convenor for the union. (EETPU)
The biggest part of my job was settling pay disputes.
Striking was the last weapon to use but more importantly - the timing of it.
Mick Lynch has got it absolutely right. Maximum carnage.

And in case you think my first sentence was being flippant - the same was said to me many times when 'withdrawing of labour' was being discussed.

All Mick Lynch is doing is telling the truth , so its obvioulsly comes across as refreshing.
I saw a tweet were Richard Madely went full Alan Partridge on him and he just smirked.
What is scary is how many media outlets are using the lie about the drivers including the BBC.
If the railworkers lose we all lose as train stations will become a bank of unmanned machines and trains will have no guards or staff to help the disabed or infirm and the train itself my not even have a driver.
The future they have lined up for us is people using an automated system to go to non unionised work places working jobs that don't pay enough to eat and heat . And all the profits from what was British Rail can go off shore and make the fat cats fatter and us all slimmer.

And stations will be less and less safe - expect more muggings, rapes and assaults. Teddy's view of a dystopian future may well be on the cards.

Lefty hypocrite Gary Lineker has now stated that he suffered racial abuse as a 12 year old because of his dark skin.
He is rightly being lambasted in the media.
A clueless idiot who really has no idea.

Odd thing to make-up.
Still, its certainly given the bigots something to take their mind of things.

It's not bigotry - or any of your other buzz words.
He's trying to pretend he has suffered the same as black people at the hands of racists.
He had his feelings hurt at 12 years old so understands how people have suffered their entire lives.

He has form with hypocrisy. Openly stating he would take a refugee in but never has and driving a 5 litre car while preaching about carbon footprints etc etc

Sorry - was just basing my assumptions on the almost universally right-wing profiles of the people complaining about it - and the appalling racist memes that accompanied them.

Old Gary does tend to trigger an awful lot of people and get them riled up. Although he may well have got stick at school for looking a bit dark as children are mostly scumbags.

Of course he did - kids are twats and look for anything.
But you know that is not the point.

Openly stating he would take a refugee in but never has


and driving a 5 litre car while preaching about carbon footprints etc etc


Well, if you're going to bring facts into the argument...

I agree that kids wil pick on anything they always have and always will. But that stuff on Gary Lineker was very easy to establish as hoax . Cross referencing and fact checking slurs is always advisible otherwise you end up accidenty spreading hate lies.

The right always used to accuse Trump critics of having Trump Derangement Sydrome. I think right wingers have a similar Linekar Derangement Syndrome, in which they obsess over his every tweet and are driven into fits of frothy hysteria about whatever he does or says.

RE Mick Lynch - Stirling work from Cold War Steve today...


Birds of a feather......
Linekar tweeted himself about his empathy and understanding of how it is with black people
He said we should all take a refugee without doing it himself then after the flack, he has one stay for 20 days.
Why could that be?
He ran a 5l car while pontificating about climate change and then recently bought an electric car.
(and we won't go into how much carbon is expelled in making an electric car)
I'm surprised Brexit hasn't raised its had yet, Trump has lol