I read the news today oh boy! Page 2,431

Quote: chipolata @ 25th June 2022, 5:55 AM

State government is still government, and this ruling allows them to interfere in peoples private lives on a massive scale.

Every law interferes in our private lives on a massive scale. That's what laws and government do.

So-called "assault rifles" killed fewer than 500 Americans in 2020 (rifles of all kinds were used in 454 murders), while abortions killed 930,160 Americans in 2020. That's a ratio of more than 2,000 to 1, but the demand to "save even one child's life" is followed by the demand to allow nearly a million children to be aborted. That disconnect can only be attributed to politics, and we're in an election year. The abortion issue might be the Democrats' only hope to avoid a crushing defeat in November, as the economy and Biden's catastrophically poor performance and approval ratings have hinted at disaster in the next election.

Quote: DaButt @ 25th June 2022, 12:13 PM

That disconnect can only be attributed to politics

Or possibly religion?
A group of people who believe in a fictional sky god want to tell people with either a different interpretation of their religion or, a healthy disregard for fairy tales altogether, what to do.
They're gunning for gay rights and contraception next.
Because the Bible (a book written by men) told them so.
I'd take a bit of cheese rolling over that any day of the week.

On the subject of killing babies

Of course, a lot of these republicans actually genuinely believe that prominent figures in the Democratic Party- Hilary Clinton included - murder babies in satanic rituals and eat them

That's the level of intelligence of some of these buffoons

Excited to see all these states, freed from the shackles of the tyranny of federal government, pushing through the rest of their revolutionary pro-life agendas. Full free healthcare for mothers. Free childcare. Extra state income support. Paid parental leave for mothers and fathers. Increased funding to help address the fact that the US is the only developed nation on the planet where maternal mortality is actually rising. It can't all have been about forcing women who got pregnant as a result of being sexually abused by a family member to carry that pregnancy to term even if it kills them. That would be silly.



Five years ago...




Boris Johnson planned to build a £150,000 treehouse at Chequers for his son Wilf but plans were rejected over security concerns.

Despite the cost of living crisis, the prime minister and his wife Carrie Johnson wanted to build the treehouse in the grounds of Chequers.

The treehouse would have included bulletproof glass and could be seen from the road, sparking security concerns from police, The Times reported.

Lord Brownlow, a Tory donor, ranked 521st richest person in the UK, was set to fund the treehouse for Wilf.

Many of Boris Johnson's aides warned against the plans because of the price, with the treehouse costing more than some houses across the country.

A government source said: 'He was told it would look terrible.'

What kid even wants a luxury treehouse? He'd probably prefer a shit one he and his dad built together. but I have a feeling that's probably not quite Boris's style.

Quote: zooo @ 25th June 2022, 6:23 PM

What kid even wants a luxury treehouse? .

Me! I'd have much rather had a deluxe treehouse than a shit one me and my dad bodged together during some incredibly awkward father-son time!

Well why don't you go and get adopted by Boris then if you love him so much!


Then he can help saves the country from the Labours Party being elected, so also from more money being givens by the Labours Party to poor peoples which always turns thems peoples into Conservative voters that in turns destroys the Labours Party cause then Labours never gets elected. So if he gets adopteds in that way and helps the Conservatives Party he will help to save the Labours Party from extinction. It would be a very left wings thing to do.

Quote: Lazzard @ 25th June 2022, 1:15 PM

Or possibly religion?

Don't discount the rather mainstream moral aversion that most human beings have to killing babies, but most of the furor can safely be attributed to politics. You don't have to look any further than the fact that Trump used to describe himself as a committed pro-choicer, and that Biden voted against abortion rights literally dozens of times over the course of his senate career, including advocating for states to have their say when it comes to abortion laws - exactly what the Supreme Court just ruled in favor of doing. Trump and Biden didn't have any sort of religious or moral awakening, they just chose the platforms that their parties have long adhered to. They did it for votes.

Quote: lofthouse @ 25th June 2022, 1:29 PM

Of course, a lot of these republicans actually genuinely believe that prominent figures in the Democratic Party- Hilary Clinton included - murder babies in satanic rituals and eat them.

If you actually believe that it's "a lot" then you're as gullible and out of touch with reality as those 5 or 10 kooks are. Neither party is the bogeyman that their opponents make them out to be. Not by a longshot.

Quote: zooo @ 25th June 2022, 6:55 PM

Well why don't you go and get adopted by Boris then if you love him so much!

'Chip Johnson' has a nice ring to it.

Quote: Lazzard @ 25th June 2022, 3:44 PM



Five years ago...


Nice to see that your archive collection of Daily Mails, stored with care over the years, has come in useful.

I see it's nearly doubled in price since then

Still spouting absolute bollocks though - so nothing much changes..

Quote: Billy Bunter @ 25th June 2022, 9:38 PM

Nice to see that your archive collection of Daily Mails, stored with care over the years, has come in useful.

Billy, you do the same gag every time I quote the DM.
Either get some new material or, dare I say it, an opinion.

Quote: DaButt @ 25th June 2022, 9:24 PM

Don't discount the rather mainstream moral aversion that most human beings have to killing babies, but most of the furor can safely be attributed to politics.

Not interested in your lame political system.
Like the Taliban you are taking away women's rights, with religion as justification.
Vanilla Isis.