Anyone betting on the Grand National? Page 9

Surely that happiness is based on ignorance. If they knew they get killed if they break a leg they might not be as happy to jump.

Unfortunately horses get injured all the time just left to their own devices, running around a field or paddock. Or even in their stable.

Anyway I'm off to Newmarket now for a few days' flat racing.

Quote: chipolata @ 10th April 2022, 12:03 PM

Surely that happiness is based on ignorance. If they knew they get killed if they break a leg they might not be as happy to jump.

Precisely, and thank you Chip

Quote: Billy Bunter @ 10th April 2022, 12:06 PM

Unfortunately horses get injured all the time just left to their own devices, running around a field or paddock. Or even in their stable.

Oh, I see, so that justifies making them go hell for leather around a track, because they're stupid accident prone animals anyway.

Quote: Hercules Grytpype Thynne @ 10th April 2022, 11:45 AM

And you talk to them............the horses, that is - I see.

No - I talk to enough horses arses on here, thanks very much.
It's very easy for anyone with a shred of knowledge to know when a horse is happy, excited, frightened, in pain etc etc
They are incredibly expressive animals.
In the main they die because they are shot, because the owners don't want the expense (and it is very expensive) of mending them, or - more callous to my mind - don't want a lame horse out on the paddock they have to look after.
It's always unwise to argue from a position of ignorance, Herc - one tends to look foolish.

Quote: Lazzard @ 10th April 2022, 12:30 PM

No - I talk to enough horses arses on here, thanks very much.
It's very easy for anyone with a shred of knowledge to know when a horse is happy, excited, frightened, in pain etc etc
They are incredibly expressive animals.
In the main they die because they are shot, because the owners don't want the expense (and it is very expensive) of mending them, or - more callous to my mind - don't want a lame horse out on the paddock they have to look after.
It's always unwise to argue from a position of ignorance, Herc - one tends to look foolish.

By your own logic jumping is cruel because the owners don't care for the horses if they get injured. Essentially jump racing exploits the horses.

Quote: Lazzard @ 10th April 2022, 12:30 PM

It's always unwise to argue from a position of ignorance, Herc - one tends to look foolish.

How pompous, and who are you call me ignorant - my god, you must be a fun person to know or work for/with, Dr. Doolittle.

I probably know as much about what a horse thinks, as you do, which is f**k all.

Quote: Hercules Grytpype Thynne @ 10th April 2022, 2:25 PM

who are you call me ignorant -

Someone who knows about horses, as opposed to someone who doesn't?
I wouldn't dream of challenging your knowledge of, say, Hancock, for instance - yet you feel at liberty to sound off about a subject your not au fait with.
And I'm the pompous one.

What's there to be au fait about when everyone knows you cannot talk to animals or know what their true feelings are.

Good point.


I think you're missing the subtle sub-text.

We're not missing the condescension though.

Can we just let this thread drop off till next year, it's getting a bit tetchy
unless it can go back to talking about the National or even just torturous puns
Know a fence

Quote: Stephen Goodlad @ 10th April 2022, 6:57 PM

We're not missing the condescension though.

Thank you Stephen, as I don't want to continue with the smart-arse.

Loses or hasn't got an argument, so resorts to underhand insults, that only he finds clever/funny. Pathetic.

Only 2 died this year! ONLY!!!!!!

Correction - 4!!!!
