Euros 20/21 Page 5

When did you count them?

Based entirely on volume of applause versus the volume of boos.
Unscientific, I grant you - but pretty indicative.

Last time I watched, someone was on the volume knob, turned it down then up.
We shall see tomorrow night.

Quote: Stephen Goodlad @ 16th June 2021, 3:53 PM

Last time I watched, someone was on the volume knob, turned it down then up..


It definitely seemed that way. Honest.
And no shots of people booing - just clapping.

Quote: Stephen Goodlad @ 16th June 2021, 12:33 PM

It's politics they are booing, not racism.

I'm sure that's true for you Stephen, but wouldn't all the racists in the crowd also boo ?
You've got to admit, it does seem odd to demonstrate about people trying to protect vulnerable minorities, talk about first world problems.

Turks & Welsh did the decent thing.
Then Turkey did the even more decent thing, and lost.
Go on the Taffs.

It was a great match. A missed pen, properly missed. A good handbag fight, 2 goals and a good ref that didn't want to know about fally downs.
Best so far.

Quote: Firkin @ 16th June 2021, 7:01 PM

I'm sure that's true for you Stephen, but wouldn't all the racists in the crowd also boo ?
You've got to admit, it does seem odd to demonstrate about people trying to protect vulnerable minorities, talk about first world problems.

Vulnerable minorities? Oh come on......

If a football firm such as Millwall square up to a minority group , I would say the minority (grossly outnumbered) group was the vulnerable one, I really would.

How do you define a minority group?

Racism has no place in sports. Nor do politics, virtue signaling, Marxism, etc.

Quote: DaButt @ 16th June 2021, 8:56 PM

Racism has no place in sports. Nor do politics, virtue signaling, Marxism, etc.

In a democracy sportsmen and women are free to voice their opinions. That's what democracy is all about.

Any where else in the stadium?

Quote: chipolata @ 16th June 2021, 9:16 PM

In a democracy sportsmen and women are free to voice their opinions. That's what democracy is all about.

Voice a controversial opinion and you'll find yourself without a job - that's why most workplaces have either "hard" or "soft" policies covering things like political statements. People have lost their jobs for saying things like "all lives matter". A sportsman in the U.S. lost an endorsement contract because his father said the "n-word" in an interview before the racer was even born.

In this era of hypersensitivity and the cancel culture, it's best to leave politics and social justice issues off the field entirely.