EU Referendum - In Or Out? Page 17

Quote: sootyj @ 23rd June 2016, 4:07 PM BST

Apparently, the UN will be regularly inspecting all of Iran's nuclear facilities so you don't need to worry.

They never, ever balls these things up.

No, of course not. Sick

As it is everything I ever read about Iran and WMDs including the excellent Atomic Bazaar goes as follows.

1 It doesn't matter if Iran trys to build a bomb, they've got biological WMDs which are just effective.
2 They bought nuclear warheads on the black market in the 1990s when Russian missile crews weren't getting paid.
Even if the codes were missing reassembling the weapons grade material is relatively easy.
3 Pakistan probably sold them a bomb in the 1980s, either the government, the military, AQ Khan the batshit crooked scientist who ran their programme or someone on a poorly guarded base.
4 DPRK has already sold them weapons grade material.

The only reason they would want to develop their own bomb would be to show off.

So yeh the bomb, they got it.

Quote: sootyj @ 23rd June 2016, 4:23 PM BST

1 It doesn't matter if Iran trys to build a bomb, they've got biological WMDs which are just effective.
2 They bought nuclear warheads on the black market in the 1990s when Russian missile crews weren't getting paid.
Even if the codes were missing reassembling the weapons grade material is relatively easy.
3 Pakistan probably sold them a bomb in the 1980s, either the government, the military, AQ Khan the batshit crooked scientist who ran their programme or someone on a poorly guarded base.
4 DPRK has already sold them weapons grade material.

The only reason they would want to develop their own bomb would be to show off.

So yeh the bomb, they got it.

My reply to all of the above is "nope."

Quote: sootyj @ 23rd June 2016, 4:07 PM BST

Which is true but Cameron's career as PM is toast anyway.

So he resigns and hands over to whoever replaces him. They go
"good bloke Cameron, solid chap went a bit bananas found a nude picture of Nigel Farage in his office so we won't be leaving the EU."

I think you might need to see a brain doctor.

its what he admitted to

Well it's OUT OUT OUT for Cameron if the vote is to Leave,

So he would have to ignore the result to stay In In In and stay in the EU.


Oi, if it's an advisory referendum (presumably advice to the PM) then why is he voting himself? That's biasing the result!


By erm one vote.


It's Remain.

Quote: JohnnyD @ 23rd June 2016, 10:16 PM BST


It's Remain.

In Spain?

Sovereignty reigns.

The great UK electorate has taken control of their destiny.

Quote: JohnnyD @ 23rd June 2016, 10:33 PM BST

Sovereignty reigns.

The great UK electorate has taken control of their destiny.

Or rather, given it away, if remain indeed wins.

It's an overall victory for Leave.

No question - and actually I predicted it on another forum.

(51-49 two days ago)

It maintains my 100% record of never voting for a winner.

Awful. :(

Looks like it's Leave. You'll be fine. I hope your politicians take it to heart and start listening to the people.

We'll still be your best friends. ;)

Quote: DaButt @ 24th June 2016, 5:29 AM BST

Looks like it's Leave. You'll be fine. I hope your politicians take it to heart and start listening to the people.

They won't, but we will. A bumpy initial ride, but it will be fine. I have no doubt. We will engage fully and properly on the world stage, and right the wrongs we committed by turning away from the Commonwealth and toward the EU.

The sun is rising here, both figuratively and literally. It is a beautiful day.

Quote: Aaron @ 24th June 2016, 5:31 AM BST

The sun is rising here, both figuratively and literally. It is a beautiful day.

Congrats! The EU as we know it is probably finished, but that doesn't mean that something better can't rise from its ashes. Much like the way that American politics benefits from the switch between Democrat and Republican rule every few years, certainly Europe can do the same. As far as I'm concerned, any political entity that exists for 20 or 30 years without significant challenge and/or change is essentially dangerous and always becomes malignant.

Enjoy the new day!