Newsjack - Series 6 Page 33

Well, to my surprise I wrote a (very short) sketch this week (much prefer one liners). Anyhoo, the sketch has now been sent and I can turn my attention back to one liners...... Very jealous of all those who manage to think up and write multiple sketches. Good luck!

Currently forming two ideas. Only going to send one though methinks. Realised I'm rubbish when it comes to sketches.

Also, I'm going to blog on it each week. Just what I did and why I think they've been rejected/picked, etc etc.

Four sketches though, but if a sketch bores you when writing it you know it's not in the 'in' pile

OK, managed to write five sketches today, pretty sure I know which three I'm submitting. Though I will do a final edit tomorrow.

Managed to edit two sketches and send. Ideas for a third about that damn horse but have an audition looming so needs must go and warm up the vocal chords luvvies.

Due to work and time I have decided to only send one sketch this week. I only managed to listen to last weeks show yesterday before writing this weeks stuff and although it was still enjoyable it seemed to be different in tone to the week before.

Did anyone else feel that way or was it just me?

Off to trim my apple tree now. (by the way that's not a euphomism for anything, I really am off to trim my apple tree)

Happy writing.


It was, and maybe that's down to the different script editors.

However, that said, I think it's more to do with what news and how the writers have framed their sketches that week.

The following tweet bodes well for a good episode this week:


For a second week in a row, I've only managed to submit two sketches.

I really must up my game next week!

3 off for me - good luck all

Quote: groovydude89 @ March 5 2012, 11:44 AM GMT

For a second week in a row, I've only managed to submit two sketches.

I really must up my game next week!

Well for a second week in a row I submitted NUFFINK! So you're doing fine. ;-)
(Only writing I did this weekend was on my FLR form, for once I'm hoping I wasn't funny!)

Sent in three again (but only wrote 3 and two halves which is less than the 6 plus I was aiming for!)

Topics (now that we are post noon):
Police privitization (but I'm assuming EVERYONE will have done this?)
Man suing the Baptist Church for this lost football career
UK being rubbish at maths

Three sketches off - it's going to break my little heart if I don't get anything on this week. I did Engerbert Humperdink in Eurovision, poor numeracy skills sketch and the stolen Irish saint's heart.

Quote: David Salisbury @ March 5 2012, 12:14 PM GMT

UK being rubbish at maths

What take did you do on it? I did the 'sponge' style sketch - an infomercial for the charity with funny maths questions and maths puns.

What frustrates me, is that I can never seem to match the quality of my Newsrevue/Treason Show submissions, whenever I write sketches for Newsjack.

Oh well - practice is the answer (as well as listening carefully to feedback).

I went for Putin winning, Yorkshire Ambulance service and the Post Office computer system crashing.

I too went for the police privatisation story. I guess this will be the most covered topic so I'm really not getting my hopes up.

Still trying to work on some one liners. Have 4 so far....