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Hey FHM used to have great articles.

Quote: Jennie @ 10th February 2014, 6:41 PM GMT

A friend of mine always tried to persuade me to go to Hooters on the basis of the "amazing BBQ chicken wings". It's like reading FHM for the articles.

I went in the Nottingham Hooters with my friends once. It wasn't as fun as everyone made out. Plus the chicken was decidedly average.

Quote: Jennie @ 10th February 2014, 6:41 PM GMT

I went to see that. Glad it wasn't just me who didn't get it!


I always think chicken wings sound disgusting. And wouldn't you need to eat about ten million for a decent meal?

Chicken wings are one of those things that tend to be either terrible or wonderful.

I bet they fly off the menu.

You're just winging it.

Cluckin eejits

Trust Beaky to comment.

Hot beaking is a controversial subject.

The Hooters discussion reminds me of the one and only time I went to a Soho peep show. I was about 20 and a mate persuaded me to go in. There was row of blacked out windows, each with coin slots. I put a quid in the slot and a light came on and I saw a lady in a state of undress on a load of soft furnishings. She then spent the next 55 seconds trying to convince me to part with at least a fiver for extras but I said no. As she lay down to get started the light went out.

I was young (and a cheapskate)

Quote: Tuumble @ 11th February 2014, 11:31 AM GMT

As she lay down to get started the light went out.

You should have just brought a torch with you.

Ben is having to have his lunch ten minutes late today because a colleague has to go and get a haircut. Young people today!

Quote: Ben @ 11th February 2014, 11:40 AM GMT

Ben is having to have his lunch ten minutes late today because a colleague has to go and get a haircut. Young people today!

Thanks for shearing.

Quote: sootyj @ 9th February 2014, 11:25 PM GMT

The most dangerous KFC in Europe, even if I can't find the link.

Not really a concern. The only gf thing at KFC is the soft drink/juices. Used to cheat a little and eat some stuff that wasn't gf because I'm not sensitive. KFC always made me feel ill and it was nothing to do with the gluten it.