What are you drinking? Page 25

It's like curry and beer without the wait. It's genius.

I'm drinking some Sicilian Cabernet Sauvignon which is currently half price in Tesco.

Mighty fine it is too.

P.S. I've had that Chili beer and it makes your head explode. I couldn't even finish the bottle.

Guinness, Fuller's ESB and Stone IPA. But not all at the same time.

IPA is always a damn fine drink.

Have you ever done a tour of UK breweries, DaButt?

Quote: Winterlight @ October 31 2008, 10:34 PM BST

Have you ever done a tour of UK breweries, DaButt?

No, but it's on my to-do list. I'm a bit burned out on London, so I'd like to do something different on my next trip. Maybe the north, Wales, Scotland and Ireland. I need to shake the hands of the guys who make all that Guinness I've consumed.

I always get a copy of CAMRA's pub guide before I fly to England so that I can find decent pubs. It hasn't steered me wrong yet.

I'm on the Newcastle Brown Ale tonight. Anybody else?

Orange squash.

Just as a serious question, do you actually drink alcohol Aaron? You've always been on soft drinks.

I really want a cup of tea, but that'd mean having to go downstairs and put the kettle on...

One bottle of Fuller's ESB and 3 or 4 bottles of Stone IPA left in the fridge. I'm tempted to run out for more, but I'm getting up early in the morning to watch the Blue Angels at an airshow.

Quote: Jack Massey @ November 2 2008, 12:36 AM BST

Just as a serious question, do you actually drink alcohol Aaron?


I had yesterday what was called a "Common Flower Girl".

Basically, it's a babycham with an actual edible hibiscus flower in the bottom that has been soaked in syrup! Was a bit like a fizzy summer berries drink.

Quote: RubyMae - Glamourous Snowdrop at Large @ November 2 2008, 1:17 AM BST

I had yesterday what was called a "Common Flower Girl".


Quote: RubyMae - Glamourous Snowdrop at Large @ November 2 2008, 1:17 AM BST

Basically, it's a babycham with an actual edible hibiscus flower in the bottom that has been soaked in syrup! Was a bit like a fizzy summer berries drink.

... Oh.

A glass of Warsteiner beer. I have a mini keg of it in the fridge from the Halloween party. It's freaking good beer.

I thought this was called 'what are you thinking?' then.
That would have been a good thread.