What are you drinking? Page 23

I was gonna say star fox but my reputation for worlds most awesome super guy had taken a nerd bashing with the Spectrum stuff...Best to keep a low profle.

Quote: Nil Putters @ October 19 2008, 9:26 PM BST

*finishes plain chocolate HobNob* *lies* No, twas milk. Whistling nnocently


Quote: Nil Putters @ October 19 2008, 9:25 PM BST


Laughing out loud Smarmy

Quote: RubyMae - Glamourous Snowdrop at large. @ October 19 2008, 9:29 PM BST

You are alright Putters, Julia hasn't started reading this bit yet. Laughing out loud

Shit. It was all lies. :)

Whistling nnocently

Quote: Nil Putters @ October 19 2008, 9:42 PM BST

Whistling nnocently

Don't worry Nil I'll get you outta this pal.

Nil was checking them because there have been a bad batch of milk chocolate circling the tea room and he wanted to make sure you wouldn't be spending the next four weeks on the throne.

Your welcome.

*sniggers* throne...

You sir, are a true Gent.

Laughing out loud


Tea to try to stay awake! Anyone else for a cuppa?

Yes please.

o/ please!

o/ Me too please!! :D

Milk? Sugar?


Quote: Scatterbrained Floozy @ October 25 2008, 10:37 PM BST

Milk? Sugar?


*Hands Lee and Finckypoo Finck their teas*