Comedy Connections - Series 6 Page 8

I don't think there was an malice in Paul and Harry's comments. This was actually recorded very close to his death. They were still coming to terms with the loss of someone they had bantered with on a daily basis so that was still there.

Plus you could see Paul's eyes were watery. At the end of the day these guys are comedians and its hard to stay serious without feeling the need to lighten it up. That's all they did.

I enjoyed the show and was unaware at how much he had been involved with. Great respect.

Quote: ContainsNuts @ November 10 2008, 9:21 AM GMT

I don't think there was an malice in Paul and Harry's comments. This was actually recorded very close to his death. They were still coming to terms with the loss of someone they had bantered with on a daily basis so that was still there.

Plus you could see Paul's eyes were watery. At the end of the day these guys are comedians and its hard to stay serious without feeling the need to lighten it up. That's all they did.

I enjoyed the show and was unaware at how much he had been involved with. Great respect.

I never intimated that there was any malice whatsoever from Harry and Paul, just that they were trying to irreverently praise a dear friend in a manner in which they thought he would have deemed appropriate . . .

You didn't, but EMS pretty much did.

Quote: swerytd @ November 10 2008, 8:48 AM GMT

Are you sure you don't mean 'nice to be educated'? :)

Don't ya'll come round here wit' ya Linguish and edamacation....Billy Mae! Bessy Sue! We gots us a LYNCHIN'!!
