Doctor Who... Page 51

Quote: Paul W @ June 7 2008, 9:59 PM BST

Old school is a kick ass movie.

Random drunk rant over...

Frank The Tank.

Quote: Gavin @ June 7 2008, 10:09 PM BST

Frank The Tank.

"We might be going to Bed, Bath and Beyond! I dunno! I dunno if we'll have the time!!!"

I love Moffat. He should be president of the universe and then some.

Quote: Matthew Stott @ June 7 2008, 8:02 PM BST

Ooh, how good is it going to be when Moffat takes over and starts writing more than one story a series?!

I get the feeling it could be rather quite good.

I wish they would kill a few people off for good though. It would make for much more emotional endings. I almost cried at the Pompeii episode when the Roma family looked as though they were about to become toast and tonight had me feeling pretty sad.

River Song has just added a LOT to Dr Who mythology.

Quote: dannyjb1 @ June 7 2008, 7:56 PM BST

Well I maybe making a leap here... but anyone remember the spiders from the earlier series that attached to peoples back and the the Pompeii episde 'There is something on your back' and wasn't Ther Racronoss basically a spider.

Now you can all point and laugh when I am so amazingly far off the mark.


Yeah. This was in the paper. Should be interesting. Apparently one has been on her back ever since.

Wait, wasn't there something in the last Jon Pertwee episode with spiders attaching themselves to people's backs?

Quote: Winterlight @ June 8 2008, 9:27 PM BST

Wait, wasn't there something in the last Jon Pertwee episode with spiders attaching themselves to people's backs?

Yes. There was. 'Planet Of The Spiders'. You are welcome.

No pictures!
It was scaaaary. :O

Is Riversong really Bernice Summerfield?

Cracking episode touches that rare river of great stories that runs from the 60s to today.

Yeah great episode - not quite sure what the ending was about mind. If they downloaded Donna out of the Hard Drive - why couldn't they do the same with Boudica etc??

Cos Donna wasn't dead she was just stored in the teleport buffer. The others were dead, and all that was saved was their memories.

You've stumbled upon a very old Trek debate. If a transporter makes an exact copy of some one, and reassembles their atoms. Then surely it can reassemeble other atoms into a copy, e.g. perfect copies, e.g. if you get ill or die just transport a fresh body?

Am I going to be sent to geek prison for this post?

Well if they are dead and it's just their memories then they might as be the speaking statues type thing. Can't see the point.

Essentially a teleporter breaks down matter into component atoms (using it's Hisenberg compensator to compensate for the Observer effect). Then reconstitutes them in the correct order, after moving them through some sort of energy beam to an assembly point.

If like Donna you were alive when you went in, then all of your atoms are in the correct place to be reassembled.

If you were dead you jsut come back out dead again.

How ever their conciousness was being stored in those psionic communicators. So it was that which was saved.

Quote: Griff @ June 9 2008, 10:16 AM BST

So how come they could get brought back to life then ? What was the difference between them being brought back to life, and River not-really-Bernice-Summerfield not being resurrectable ?

My head hurts.

River COULD have been brought back - but it'd need someone else to sacrifice themselves by plugging into CAL at the point of ... explosion or whatever it would have been. 'Cos remember that that's how she brought everyone else back?

River Song's basically in there until Moffat decides to bring her out again.

I hope it's soon, she was TEH SEXXXXY.