Doctor Who... Page 50

I love the word vachedenerada.

I wonder how you actually spell it?

The whhaaaaaaaaaaa? Do you mean the darkness thingies?


Vashta Nerada. :)

So it's two words. A proper noun. And now you've got to get a new pimped sonic screwdriver.

Ooooh. Vashta Nerada.

It's so cool to say.

My sonic's staying as it is. I don't want that whore's one!!!


AH, but it's not hers, is it? The Doctor gave - well, loaned - it to her because he knew he was going to get it back.


Oh okay then. I want one.

I have literally no idea what you're talking about :S

Then you should have watched the telly.

Quote: zooo @ June 7 2008, 9:33 PM BST

Then you should have watched the telly.

He does, he just watches better telly than Dr Who!

Quote: zooo @ June 7 2008, 9:33 PM BST


Oh okay then. I want one.

Plus, it's like v2.0, whilst your current one is like v1.0 beta!

But I like old school. :(

Quote: Paul W @ June 7 2008, 9:38 PM BST

He does, he just watches better telly than Dr Who!

Sorry, concept does not compute.

Quote: zooo @ June 7 2008, 9:38 PM BST

Sorry, concept does not compute.

Brainwashing does that to some people.

Quote: zooo @ June 7 2008, 9:38 PM BST

But I like old school. :(

So you'd prefer Sylvester McCoy over David Tennant? ;)

Quote: zooo @ June 7 2008, 9:38 PM BST

Sorry, concept does not compute.

Laughing out loud

Quote: Aaron @ June 7 2008, 9:55 PM BST

So you'd prefer Sylvester McCoy over David Tennant? ;)

I like new school, NEW SCHOOL!

Laughing out loudLaughing out loudLaughing out loud :D

Old school is a kick ass movie.

Random drunk rant over...