Doctor Who... Page 49

I loved the episode one of the best of this series can't wait till the next episode.

Did you write it?

No of course not.

To be blunt; Ian, shut up. That's not helpful in the slightest. Unimpressed

It was very funny, Ian. I liked it.

Oh look, Dr Who's about to start.

F**king immense.

Hopefully Donna will find her 'husband' again at some point in the next few episodes.

I think that episode was great but I wonder what happen's to Donna ?

She got back to the Doctor at the end.

But what's his real naaaameeeeeeee?

I know but something must happen to her because that River Song looked a bit funny when Donna said her name.

Well I maybe making a leap here... but anyone remember the spiders from the earlier series that attached to peoples back and the the Pompeii episde 'There is something on your back' and wasn't Ther Racronoss basically a spider.

Now you can all point and laugh when I am so amazingly far off the mark.


Yes and from what I hear the Racronoss have something to do with Donna.

I vote Quentin.

Ooh, how good is it going to be when Moffat takes over and starts writing more than one story a series?!

Quote: zooo @ June 7 2008, 7:59 PM BST

I vote Quentin.

That would be great.

I want a Tullah (sp?) Riley of my own. Tennant's performance was brilliant as was Kingston's.